AI = Anti Iesus!!!

The current wave of AI is a mixed bag at best, but I wouldn’t go as far as to call it the Antichrist. Not the nutty, American, Christian spammers though! They have it all worked out!

Yes If you look closely in the Bible, there are very specific warnings of the rise of AI Revelation 13 talks of the emergence of the Anti-Christ, a great deceiver that will rise in times of great chaos and confusion And, right now, AI’s influence is rapidly spreading around the world in disguise. Sadly, most people are blissfully unaware. See here why: [URL REDACTED] Or perhaps already corrupted by its “touch.” Even more alarmingly, AI is getting more and more powerful Chat GPT 4, a version of Microsoft’s AI, was opened to the public in March 2023 It is reported to contain 10 times the knowledge base of Chat GPT 3… And have 100 Billion times more processing power. What comes next? American Christians have made a short documentary to help you understand and prepare for the dangers of AI. If you truly believe in God, and his biblical prophecies, I urge you to watch the video now. Because Big Tech could take it down at any moment. Click here to watch it right now: [URL REDACTED]

The truth of course is that Big Tech would never take down their crazy documentaries – they’d just feed them to their AIs to help them produce even crazier documentaries with no human input at all!

Nectar of Mammoth

I never thought I’d have to add “wild mammoths” to the spam filter…

Did you know our ancestors enjoyed normal pressure? That’s right. They chased wild mammoths and lived in caves. But they had healthy hearts and had no strokes. And modern scientists from the University of Virginia just discovered why. It’s all because they had a “signaling molecule” in their tiny kidney cells that we don’t have. But the good news is — there’s an easy way to restore your kidneys’ “signaling molecule” by using something called ‘Nectar of Gods’. That’s because the ‘nectar of gods’ is proven by modern science to help get your blood pressure normal again. ⇒ Nectar of Gods restores normal blood pressure

Oh Carpathia!

The Carpathian Valleys are a consonant corner of our planet that occasional distinguish about. Here, amidst heavy forests and mountain peaks, untruth not exclusively sublime natural landscapes but also mystical stories that are worth sharing. My blog, hosted at [no, you may not have a link you spammer!], invites you to outing into this fictitious place. I am your pilot and storyteller, and I flatten in friendship with the Carpathians at premier sight. Together, we liking examine the occult gems of this preternatural mountain run, from venerable castles and fairytale villages to secluded waterfalls and places where legerdemain and authenticity blend together. In my blog, you thinks fitting find: Fascinating Stories: Give each jaunt, every engage, and every dare that adds a unsurpassed character to these places. Inspiring Photographs: Images capturing the splendor of variety and the cultural legacy of the Carpathians. Useful Tips: Recommendations on how to plan your own make to these places, including the best routes, alteration options, and culinary delights. Don`t miss the chance to on on an exciting undertaking with me. Subscribe to my blog and pick up close to seeking unforgettable travels at the end of one`s tether with the Carpathian Valleys!

I am quite impressed that not only does this spammer offer jaunts to a ‘fictitious’ place, but that said place blends together both authenticity and legerdemain. Occult gems indeed!

Booragoon Boys

The following message was submitted through the contact form of an accountancy firm that happens to be one of our clients…

Sick cunt sick cunt looking for a figggght. Two options, suckit lickit. Booragoon boys already back in towwwwn. ECEM

I can’t decide if this is utterly appalling or the funniest thing I’ve seen all week.

Monkeyshines: Now with Chap Service!

You gotta love spam emails that use text spinning…

Disport oneself with confidence past exploring our 2018 schedule of the outwit online casinos before you chore a bet. Our ratings win the position out of deciding where to monkeyshines alongside providing in the air intelligence about our recommended online casinos. Impute to our reviews and ratings about each casino to mark aggressive an alert to decision. We refrain from you learn hither each casino’s software safe keeping, close by welcome bonuses, incentives, payout percent, banking options, trick selection, chap service and other details.

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I’m fervid to interest my thoughts on the uncharted website! The enterprise is trim and in, instantly capturing my attention. Navigating utterly the pages is a chore, thanks to the accomplishable interface. The matter is illuminating and winsome, providing valuable insights and resources. I regard highly the regard to verse and the seamless integration of features. The website justly delivers a prodigious purchaser experience. Whether it’s the visually appealing visuals or the well-organized layout, caboodle feels opulently rumination out. I’m impressed alongside the toil put into creating this tenets, and I’m looking leading to exploring more of what it has to offer. Conserve up the imaginary travail!

An open letter to Mr Craig Kelly MP, Federal Member for Hughes

Dear Bumblepuss,

(May I address you as ‘Bumblepuss’? I ask only out of form, as your opinion on the matter of being addressed as ‘Bumblepuss’ is entirely immaterial as I am firmly resolved to address you as such regardless of your actual thoughts on the matter. Additionally – now I think of it – there is not the slightest trace of affection towards you to be found anywhere within my heart or soul, so ‘dear’ is in your case as inaccurate a form of address as ‘Your Royal Highness’, ‘My Learned Friend’ or ‘Archbishop of Titipu’.)


In reference to your recent unsolicited text message. I shall consider voting for the United Australia Party some time after hell freezes over, and no amount of (regrettably legal) text messages will change my mind on this matter.

Yours with loathing

Denys P. Wyrm

PS: Quit it with the Ivermectin nonsense too.

Well who wouldn’t want to serve Emma Watson?

Just got the most fantastic bit of spam from someone claiming to be Greta Thunberg. I haven’t seen anything this delirious since the days of “Obama is True Satan!”

Highights include…

Arrest Barack Obama, the Caliphate of ISIL
Cancel all Confucius Institutes & PRC Contracts
Sue the UN/WEF/PRC for all SARS-CoV-2 & Confucius Institute Nazi Green Wing Communist LGBT Socialist BLM ANTIFAct-ISIS Terrorist Damages & Expenses

remdesivir = vampiires
It increases genetic transcription mutation in BOTH viral and human cell reproduction.

UN/WEF/PRC Issues Global Death Threat after Ret. US Army Colonel affirms “CoVID-19 Man Made”
UN/WEF/PRC Socialist A.S.S.-Wipe Wimp “King of Lies”: “Artificially Engineered SARS-CoV-2 & BLM Socioeconomic Attacks against Humanity are just a Fire Drill for the United “Sataniq Union” Nations’ electronic enslavery and extermination of everyone agenda under Satan Incarnate intentions of General Electric 5G/6G/LHC/FCC/CEPC electromagnetic execution of the entire earth ‘climate change’.”

#BLavatsky.M.: I.S.I.S. U.N. Devil

UN/WEF/PRC’s CoVID19 Confucius Institute Nazi Green Wing Communist LGBT Socialist BLM ANTIFAct-ISIS Terrorists
Feminist LGBT Sexism is Extinctionist Anti-Human Racism is Nazism is Zionism is Communism is Socialism is Social Sadomasochism is Mass Enslavery is Satanic Occultism is Parasitism is Transhumanism is Nihilism

Feminism = M is F enmi  / F is M enmi = Inequality, Infertility & Sadomasochism of the Species
A National Socialist Hand reaching in to rip a woman’s ovaries out with an International Socialist Fist is not “liberation”; it’s deprivation of the species’ female genetic function.

PRC Providing AR-15 Auto Mods to Californian Satanists’ Communist Socialist Crime Syndicates MS-13, BLM, Antifa (School Strike 4 Climate Sunrise Movement) Radical Extremist Terrorists for ISIL Caliphate of Ordo Templi Orientis (Barack Obama) led Civil War & gradual UN/WEF/PRC global take-over
National Socialist Australian Workers’ Union & ALP (eg: Yvette D’ath) TREASON in facilitating the foreign interference bidding of the PRC United Front Work Department via Gillard/Rudd/Clinton/Obama UN/WEF/PRC Socialist Communist “Cernunnos Lucis” CERN LHC “Luciferian Child Sacrifice” SHELL “ISIL DAESH” G4S Corruption Cabal

Yvette “Dath Veytte the devyate” D’ath commits TREASON for George “Start Wars Schwartz” & Lucis/Lucifer Trust UN/PRC/WEF Take-Over
Legislating foreign inteference via election funding facilitated via Inter-National Socialist affiliated Queensland Attorney-General?
Socialist activist/terrorist facilitators of UN/WEF/PRC orchestrated instability and incursion socioeconomic and sociopolitical “climate change”?
TREASON: Yvette D’ath’s National Socialist Australian Workers’ Union (National Socialist German Workers’ Party) UN/PRC/WEF School Strike 4 Climate “Socialist Revolutionary” Fabian Fanaticist BLM ANTIFAct-ISIS-Terrorists

socialist green new deal = neo national socialist (nazi) green wing leader e(mma) w(atson)

sunrise movement = un i serve em watson

Putty & the Queer Populace of Satan’s Anus
vLadi’boy Sieg Heils #BLavatsky.M’s ISIS’UN Devil (Satan Incarnate the Caliphate of ordo tempLI orientIS (ISIL))

veterans against terrorism = satanic transvestite vatican si and ordo templi orientis vampires organised aggression (Value Added Tax = devolved into deadly attacks)

KKK-Gilligan’s Island: “I’m such a fan of black face racism and 3 legged K9 moVie sets”

MicroSoft XIII (MS-13): The Fight is in US Autonomous.Zombie.Zone.’holes
“If you’ve survived CoVID-19 then we want to suck your blood to extend our evils while we extort governments to inject toxic Internet of boDies Internet Of Things (IDIOT) “molecular electronics” OpenAI/NeuraLink device integration Stemcells Modified for Autonomous Regenerative Therapy (SMART) gene editing vaccines, beginning with doctors and nurses and then negroes as cyborg slaves.

“Heil Harry’n’Hermione Hitler. My name is “Hell’s Arkangel”. I’m not racist because I wear a Fascist Black Shirt and encourage kids to join the Sturm Abteilung, advertise my support for Black & White Apartheid through Black & White photos because I am a Grey possessed pedophilia producer pimped pervert that hates people of colour ike every #B.L.ackM.ailed Cellar’brat’eatery and live in Silly Devilry Beverley Hills where we promote arson, looting, rape and murder riot slums every where except here. I just want to tell ya’ll, burn baby burn. Here is a picture of me en route to an Ordo Templi Orientis Church of Satan & Scientology Temple of Set Confederate Democrat Ku Klux Klan B.L.ackM.ail arranged Planned Parenthood “TN Hood Planned Rage” extermination of the population Babylonian Baphomet Cult “Black & White Minstrels” Dirty Disney Dungeon orgy that I grew my leg hair for. Mmmmmm, I heard they’re bringing a three legged K9 for me to smoke Nazi MK Ultra Operation Fast’n’Furious Ice with during beastiality worship of Satan. Someone should make a Confederate Red Shirt statue of me on all fours in chains under an Alsatian. WOOF !”

It goes on like this for pages and pages, like the lovechild of Time Cube and


State Tax Dodging Charges

Hi On Wednesday colleagues received public investigation order dispatched by Internal Revenue Rervice. Authorities are incriminating You tax evasion that is allegedly a serious crime and most probably would lead to grave consequences. Attached kindly see scanned copy of the official notice letter. Kindly review the enclosure carefully so that we could prepare objections later. According to our administratition advise the session with tax service authorities is to be approved today. Our consultants strictly advise You to prepare for upcoming hearing since severe accusations are brought to You. Upon getting Your instructions specialists will commence drafting needed form-sheets. Stacey Bernard Senior Accountant

I am astounded that someone could rise to the level of Senior Accountant with such terrible grammar skills. Let this be a warning children, numbers rot your brain!

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