Election Day

It’s state Election day here in Western Australia. We use preferential voting (technically Single Transferable Voting), and as such I shall be voting thusly…

  • Parties with good ideas, which includes the Greens.
  • Labor, which means my preferences will probably stop here.
  • Well meaning but fundamentally harmless idiots.
  • The Liberals (who are actually the conservatives). If my preferences didn’t stop at Labor they will undoubtedly stop here.
  • The Nationals, who are the hillbilly version of the Liberals.
  • Parties and Independents who I can find absolutely nothing about.
  • General Lunatics, including the “Stop Pedophiles! Protect Kiddies!” party. I am of course in favour of stopping pedophiles and protecting children, but when you name your party that and provide no public information on your policies I will consider you insane until presented with evidence to the contrary.
  • Dangerous Lunatics, like that Christian party who claim their leader can raise the dead, or the guy who changed his name to “Aussie Trump”.
  • Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party. In the bin where they belong.

Sadly the Senior Citizens Centre just down the street isn’t a poling place this time around, so I’ll need to head over to Hillcrest – but that’s OK because there’s a better chance of getting a democracy sausage there.

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