A Windmill full of Corpses

Spent much of the weekend down in Busselton at Ryan and Jackie’s place, along with Fabes who was kind enough to drive us both down there and back. Rather than appreciating the natural wonders and relaxing pace of the southwest, we spent all our time indoors playing games. Well, that’s the people we are, what are you gonna do?

The big hit of the weekend was Cards Against Humanity. I’ve been wanting to get a copy for ages and Paula was kind enough to give me one for my birthday, so we tried it out. The results were appalling, which is exactly what they should be. Good taste (and the fear of being raided by the Federal Police) prevent me from repeating the best combinations we came up with, but I can share a few of the slightly less offensive ones that had us in hysterics…

“When I was tripping on acid, an endless stream of diarrhea turned into the cool refreshing taste of Pepsi!”

“Bad life choices + a robust mongoloid = my sex life”

“Here is the church, here is the steeple, open the doors, and here is a windmill full of corpses”

Such fun! We also learnt about Aaron Burr, object permanence and the three fifths compromise, so you can’t say it’s not educational!

Changing course entirely, here’s an unreleased KLF track I stumbled across the other day. It’s from 1989, was the basis for Last Train to Trancentral and Wichita Lineman was a Song I Once Heard, and is awesome! So everyone, Go to Sleep.


One of the most important things a parent can provide to their child is consistency.

I recall an incident from many years ago, back when I was a kid and still living at home. It was a Good Friday, and as good Catholics my brother, mother and I were fasting and abstaining from meat. Doing so makes for a pretty miserable day, but there was one thing that made it bearable, which was having a decent feed of fish and chips when dinner time came around.

So we phoned through and placed an order (nice and early, Good Friday being the peak day for fish and chip consumption nationwide) and Dad went off and picked it up. He bought it home and in the kitchen he and Mum divided it up onto the plates. I grabbed mine, and reached for the tomato sauce, only to be prevented by mum who in a very serious and pious voice declared that fancy condiments were forbidden on the day of Christ’s crucifixion, and that the only salt (representing the world’s tears) and vinegar (like that offered to Jesus on a sponge and hyssop stick) would be permitted.

So I doused my food with salt and vinegar and went off to watch TV.

A year or so later Easter again rolled around, and again we fasted and abstained until dinner time when Dad went off to pick up the fish and chips. Once again it was divided into portions and as I waited to grab the suitability pious condiments of salt and vinegar I was somewhat shocked to see Mum smear tartar sauce all over her fish, then reach for the tomato sauce bottle. In puzzlement I suggested that we should only have salt and vinegar on Good Friday, and Mum looked at me like I was insane.

It was one of very few occasions when I lost a bit of respect for her.

My brother and I had quite a strict Catholic upbringing. I didn’t actually realise this for many years, not until my brother mentioned it – ruefully – at a party. My imediate response was to laugh and declare “as if!”, but on thinking about it I realised – to my surprise – that he was right. We were sent to Catholic school. We attended church every Sunday morning and all through Easter. We were both enrolled as altar servers and inducted into the Guild of St Stephen. We received all the Sacraments when they came around. We said prayers every night, and instead of bedtime stories we got read the Bible from end to end. It would be hard to imagine a more Catholic upbringing without involving a drunken Irishman whipping us with a belt for the Sin of Disobedience.

Skipping church was, of course, a big deal. The only excuse was serious illness. I recall one Sunday towards the end of my schooling when I had a big exam coming up and I declared that I couldn’t go to church because I had to study. It took a good twenty minutes of arguing before Mum backed down, and even then she was in a foul mood all day and had Dad keep checking on me to make sure I was actually studying rather than goofing off.

In spite of occasional incidents like the former, my upbringing never really rankled with me. Call it autistic, but I accepted this state of being as the only possible state of being. I was born already having drunk the Kool-Aid. My childhood was one of earnest piety, and religious conviction followed me well into my teens – even as I modified my beliefs to deal with irreligious friends and raging hormones. I tend to think of myself as a rational being, and remember myself as a rational teenager, but I can also recall thoughts that seem quiet strange and alien to me now. Worrying about the immortal soul of a girl I had a crush on who was known to be sexually active, or being both shocked and saddened when my friend Ryan stopped going up to Communion at school masses.

Religiosity also affected my social life, or lack thereof. For much of my teens I tried to avoid romantic entanglements on the basis that they could only lead to temptations that couldn’t be fulfilled, sex before marriage being a dreadful sin and something I would never do. The lack of dating and social experience resulting from this philosophy turned it into something of a self fulfilling prophecy – by the time I revised my views it was too late to be the gawkish, shy, inexperienced guy, a problem that still has an effect on my romantic endeavors to this day.

My brother, I think, had it worse however. Where I was happy to spend much of my teen years as some kind of contemplative monk, he rankled under the rules and restrictions.He was social and outgoing, having his behaviour tested and scrutinised through a religious lens must have been excuciating. On top of this, coming to terms with the fact that you’re gay is not easy for any teenager, let alone one raised in a Catholic household and attending a Catholic school. Discussion of feelings and emotions is just not done in our family so I don’t know the full scope of his suffering, but I knew at the time that he had some kind of problems, and looking back I see that they must have been awful. I don’t think that I was much help either, floating along in my self assured little cloud. The depression and anxiety that I’ve been bedeviled with since my early twenties really makes me despise some of the ignorant attitudes towards mental suffering that I had – and expressed – as a teenager.

So, here we are at another Easter. I no longer consider myself a Catholic, I’m more of a sort of agnostic-pantheist who believes in a Deity but will happily admit that no hard evidence for such a Deity exists, and therefore I could very easily be completely deluded. I’ll more than likely attend church at some point this weekend, if only to hold up the traditions and to keep Mum happy. Then I’ll eat my chocolate and wish good to all those who wish good unto others.

Happy Easter!

So that was April Fools


So, did you think spammers had taken over the Wyrmlog? Did you? Almost certainly not, but hey, at least I did something.

In any case, for an Easter treat pop open this link in a new window, and watch the gif to the right. Isn’t that most perfect combo of sound and vision you’ve ever encountered? 🙂

(Assuming YouTube doesn’t stick an ad on front)

Konopka accepted responsibility for positive test!

The main sponsor of the bill, Councilman Brandon Scott, said he will try again to bring more transparency to the inspection process. chanel What qualities are needed to do a job like yours? Perseverance, a good sense of humor and the ability to listen and be fair and honest. m hollister

The most remote inhabited island in the world offers a different kind of island adventure than what you may have already experienced in the Caribbean.Think of an island vacation and rum drinks on a sandy beach probably come to mind. Think of Easter Island and those giant heads probably come to mind.But Easter Island 锟?Rapa Nui to the natives 锟?offers a chance to combine plenty of relaxing island adventures with visits to fascinating archeological sites. The island is a World Heritage Site. You锟絣l never think of the island as just 锟絫hat place with giant heads锟?again.The island is small enough that in several days you can visit all of the most important sites and get a true grasp of what is known of the island锟絪 history 锟?while still having plenty of traditional island fun and relaxation. Do pay for an English-speaking guide to take you around. Various packages are available and are worth the cost.The island got its name when Dutch explorers spied the island on Easter 1722. Thinking there might be gold under the moai, they topped a few of them but found only bones.Toppled moai, the Rapa Nui believe, must be left where they fall. Most were brought down during civil wars by the islanders themselves, but in modern times some of the moai have been restored to an upright position because it锟絪 difficult to attract tourists with fallen statues 锟?and tourism is obviously what fuels the island economy.Some of the moai are topped with a red pukao, made of a different stone from a separate quarry.The best time to visit Rapa Nui is during Tapati, which takes place the first two weeks in February. More than just a festival, it is a series of contests in which the people compete in dancing, sports, and in depictions of native dress. That the culture has been preserved is remarkable considering the island锟絪 history. At one point, the native Rapa Nui were taken into slavery and only a small number remained alive when the survivors were ultimately restored to the island. Also notable to the island锟絪 history is that the earlier inhabitants had completely deforested the island and had hunted to extinction the nesting birds that were so important to their way of life. (For more on the history of the island锟絪 ecological collapse, see Jared Diamond锟絪 2005 book, 锟紺ollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.锟?To get to the island, you锟絣l likely fly in from Santiago, Chile, although there are a few flights from Tahiti. Combine your time in Easter Island with a stay in Santiago, where you锟絣l find plenty of things to do, from hiking and horseback riding in the Andes to visiting museums and historic sites.

Page 2 of 2 – Here are just a few of the don锟絫-miss sites on Rapa Nui:锟?Anakena Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the only one on which you will be able to sunbathe while pondering a row of moai standing sentinel. Legend has it that the Polynesian people leaving their home island after a volcanic eruption sought this island after having a vision and first landed on this gorgeous beach.锟?Ahu Akivi is the only place where the moai will be found facing the ocean. The seven standing moai represent the seven professions of those sent to colonize the island: fisherman, astrologist, farmer, doctor, sculptor, writer and architect, according to one tour guide. The seven are lined up to face the sunset during the equinox.锟?Akahanga contains toppled moai as well as village remains. Stone foundations show where their dwellings once stood and rings of stones mark where they built fires so they could use hot stones to steam fish and vegetables wrapped in banana leaves. A small cave shows where villagers hid in times of danger.锟?Rano Raraku is the quarry where islanders somehow carved the large moai, weighing around 80 tons, and then transported them to various sites all over the island. Over time, the size and the craftsmanship of the moai increased. There are moai in various stages of production here, from some that were never completely quarried to others that toppled over during transport 锟?meaning the islanders would have to start fresh on a new carving.锟?Orongo means 锟絟earing the message锟?and refers to the practices of the Birdman Cult that seemed to gradually overtake the ancient ancestor worship associated with the moai. Each year, young men would come to this ceremonial center for six months, preparing for the perilous contest of scaling a dangerous cliff down to the sea, then swimming to a small adjacent island where sooty terns nested. The objective was to obtain the first egg of the season. The name of the first man to find an egg would be called back to the big island. But he wouldn锟絫 truly be the winner until he brought the egg back unbroken. The last year of the competition was 1863. Because they carved a birdman petroglyph into a rock to mark the competition every year, we know the tradition lasted for 111 years. While the young men trained, the young women prepared to be considered queen by staying in a cave for six months. Then they锟絛 stand on a certain rock and submit to an examination to confirm virginity. Young men who didn锟絫 win the competition would receive as a consolation prize one of the virgins.锟?Adjacent to Orongo is Rano Kau, a volcanic crater full of fresh water that overlooks the ocean and has an eerie beauty. hollister While talking on to the importance of this symposium Eroglu said this symposium has sent the message to those who think that TRNC can be easily ignored. He further the world is reshaping in economy, new alliances, interconnectivity of the global world and impotence of UN.

The reversal for the left will be very very big. Dabi said. This is a vote that sanctions the government. michael kors outlet *EMAIL q oakley glasses

If you married a South American, then you must accept his culture. Stop being a whiny bitch ray ban Well, that class was the biggest mistake ever. He came home from the class with tiny jars of jam (or maybe jelly, I can鈥檛 tell the difference between the two) and suddenly he was a canning fiend. He canned peach jelly. He canned peach jam. He canned peach preserves. And they were delicious. So delicious that our neighbors and friends started making eye contact again. And they eagerly accepted our offerings of jars of peaches. And before we knew it, the peach tree was bare. Heck, I didn鈥檛 even get any vodka out of the deal. But I did think that was the end of the canning.

k One of the highlights of the trip was a surprise pre-match presentation on the pitch at Blackburn Rovers F.C. just prior to the Championship match with Norwich City when the boys made their way down the players鈥?tunnel along with the players, in front of over 12,000 spectators. The tour provided an amazing experience for the boys and a real insight into the game at the highest level. Coaches from Everton F.C. will be visiting Kuwait later this year to continue their input into the Academy players鈥?footballing development and to monitor their progress. tory burch outlet Porat was already known as the most powerful woman on Wall Street, an industry that has yet to see its first female CEO. She played a pivotal role during the financial crisis of 2008, leading the Morgan Stanley teams that advised the government on the bailouts of AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. hollister clothing

1. Does your child want to attend a day camp or a resident camp? Typically, day camps are a child鈥檚 first camp experience that prepares him or her for overnight camps later on, but there鈥檚 no rule that says kids must start close to home. It all depends on what you鈥檙e looking for, and what鈥檚 comfortable for your child. Most importantly, you want your child to have fun at camp! As a nonprofit committed to youth development, the Y offers more than 1,800 day and 300 resident camp programs. Y camps focus on three areas proven to impact child development: friendship, accomplishment and belonging. http://toryburch.aimer-resister.net CHARITY BINGO http://rayban.blessedhandmaidens.org

Commentary and photos submitted to the Missoulian (Missoulian.com) may be published or distributed in print, electronically or other forms. Opinions expressed in Missoulian.com’s comments reflect the opinions of the author, and are not necessarily the opinions of the Missoulian or its parent company. See the and for more information. http://rayban.blessedhandmaidens.org Diogenix’s buyer, Amarantus Biosciences Holdings Inc. of San Francisco, has been unprofitable since its founding in 2008, has less than $2 million in assets and warned investors in November that there is substantial doubt about whether it can stay in business, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The company did not return phone calls from The Associated Press over several weeks. z oakley sunglasses

If you married a South American, then you must accept his culture!

Marilyn Monroe, for sure. She was the first Playmate ever and set the stage for all of us after. She was such a strong woman and you could tell she had a real passion for modeling. I have her picture on the wall in my room. ] hollister Comments are encouraged, but you must follow our

S谩ndigo dijo adem谩s que 鈥渁煤n cuando la medida ser谩 puesta en vigor a discreci贸n del agente o el juez de inmigraci贸n a cargo de un proceso, el memorando es un enorme paso en la direcci贸n correcta y es una valiente determinaci贸n que, estamos seguros, detendr谩 la deportaci贸n de miles y probablemente millones de padres de menores de edad, muchos de ellos ciudadanos estadounidenses鈥? hollister clothing store First, refer to your lease and note the statements regarding moving out, such as how much advance notice is required. Give proper notice and give the notice in writing, advised Kristi Cutts, a Family Living program educator for the Winnebago County University of Wisconsin-Extension.

Mayor Bob Minning will face challenger Mel Lenehan of Sunset Beach in the March 10 election. The two are expected to face off in a debate at city hall on a date to be determined. Collins is unopposed for the District 1 seat and Patrick Jeffares is unopposed for the District 3 seat, which is being vacated by Coward. hollister clothing 2. Jesus is condemned, the journey begins

Are you feeling grateful yet, San Francisco? oakley glasses Since I had some burlap left over, I decided to make another burlap project that I’ll share tomorrow. Come back for a DIY burlap Christmas tree skirt!

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Another tale underscoring Lee’s pragmatism was his visit to Jakarta in 1973 to offer flowers at the graves of two Indonesian marines who had been hanged five years earlier in Singapore for their involvement in a deadly bombing in 1965. Neighbours’ fences were coming down. michaelkors.clhstrojanlancerband.org In fact, Obama vaulted to victory in the crowded Democratic primary only after the multimillionaire front-runner imploded over personal problems. u ray ban outlet

Most also tend to be aggressive nationalists as George Orwell defined the term. In a famous 1945 essay, Orwell distinguished between love of country and the temptation to deify the nation-state “placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.” rayban.blessedhandmaidens.org Mr Brown has no right to condemn China for enforcing its laws. Maybe he should take a leaf out of the Chinese government’s book and start to enforce the laws of Britain, instead of the laissez-faire attitude now displayed by the Prime Minister and his Government.

VIDEO: http://coachoutlet.1milliongamerscore.com In a statement released through the NHL Players’ Association, Konopka accepted responsibility for the positive test. Konopka wouldn’t specify what the substance was except to say it was an ingredient found in an over-the-counter product. h michael kors outlet online

It’s a sad and uplifting story all at once, and it’s not so much about erasing a bad flashback as it is remembering one of the most important people in his life. ray ban 鈥?From 2003 to 2013, 138 law enforcement officers were struck and killed on our nation鈥檚 highways,鈥?according to the department.

Does your child want attend a day camp or the the resident camp?

The main sponsor of the bill, Councilman Brandon Scott, said he will try again to bring more transparency to the inspection process. What qualities are needed to do a job like yours? Perseverance, a good sense of humor and the ability to listen and be fair and honest. m The most remote inhabited island in the world offers a different kind of island adventure than what you may have already experienced in the Caribbean.Think of an island vacation and rum drinks on a sandy beach probably come to mind. Think of Easter Island and those giant heads probably come to mind.But Easter Island 锟?Rapa Nui to the natives 锟?offers a chance to combine plenty of relaxing island adventures with visits to fascinating archeological sites. The island is a World Heritage Site. You锟絣l never think of the island as just 锟絫hat place with giant heads锟?again.The island is small enough that in several days you can visit all of the most important sites and get a true grasp of what is known of the island锟絪 history 锟?while still having plenty of traditional island fun and relaxation. Do pay for an English-speaking guide to take you around. Various packages are available and are worth the cost.The island got its name when Dutch explorers spied the island on Easter 1722. Thinking there might be gold under the moai, they topped a few of them but found only bones.Toppled moai, the Rapa Nui believe, must be left where they fall. Most were brought down during civil wars by the islanders themselves, but in modern times some of the moai have been restored to an upright position because it锟絪 difficult to attract tourists with fallen statues 锟?and tourism is obviously what fuels the island economy.Some of the moai are topped with a red pukao, made of a different stone from a separate quarry.The best time to visit Rapa Nui is during Tapati, which takes place the first two weeks in February. More than just a festival, it is a series of contests in which the people compete in dancing, sports, and in depictions of native dress. That the culture has been preserved is remarkable considering the island锟絪 history. At one point, the native Rapa Nui were taken into slavery and only a small number remained alive when the survivors were ultimately restored to the island. Also notable to the island锟絪 history is that the earlier inhabitants had completely deforested the island and had hunted to extinction the nesting birds that were so important to their way of life. (For more on the history of the island锟絪 ecological collapse, see Jared Diamond锟絪 2005 book, 锟紺ollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.锟?To get to the island, you锟絣l likely fly in from Santiago, Chile, although there are a few flights from Tahiti.

Combine your time in Easter Island with a stay in Santiago, where you锟絣l find plenty of things to do, from hiking and horseback riding in the Andes to visiting museums and historic sites. Page 2 of 2 – Here are just a few of the don锟絫-miss sites on Rapa Nui:锟?Anakena Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the only one on which you will be able to sunbathe while pondering a row of moai standing sentinel. Legend has it that the Polynesian people leaving their home island after a volcanic eruption sought this island after having a vision and first landed on this gorgeous beach.锟?Ahu Akivi is the only place where the moai will be found facing the ocean. The seven standing moai represent the seven professions of those sent to colonize the island: fisherman, astrologist, farmer, doctor, sculptor, writer and architect, according to one tour guide. The seven are lined up to face the sunset during the equinox.锟?Akahanga contains toppled moai as well as village remains. Stone foundations show where their dwellings once stood and rings of stones mark where they built fires so they could use hot stones to steam fish and vegetables wrapped in banana leaves. A small cave shows where villagers hid in times of danger.锟?Rano Raraku is the quarry where islanders somehow carved the large moai, weighing around 80 tons, and then transported them to various sites all over the island. Over time, the size and the craftsmanship of the moai increased. There are moai in various stages of production here, from some that were never completely quarried to others that toppled over during transport 锟?meaning the islanders would have to start fresh on a new carving.锟?Orongo means 锟絟earing the message锟?and refers to the practices of the Birdman Cult that seemed to gradually overtake the ancient ancestor worship associated with the moai. Each year, young men would come to this ceremonial center for six months, preparing for the perilous contest of scaling a dangerous cliff down to the sea, then swimming to a small adjacent island where sooty terns nested. The objective was to obtain the first egg of the season. The name of the first man to find an egg would be called back to the big island. But he wouldn锟絫 truly be the winner until he brought the egg back unbroken. The last year of the competition was 1863. Because they carved a birdman petroglyph into a rock to mark the competition every year, we know the tradition lasted for 111 years. While the young men trained, the young women prepared to be considered queen by staying in a cave for six months. Then they锟絛 stand on a certain rock and submit to an examination to confirm virginity. Young men who didn锟絫 win the competition would receive as a consolation prize one of the virgins.锟?Adjacent to Orongo is Rano Kau, a volcanic crater full of fresh water that overlooks the ocean and has an eerie beauty. While talking on to the importance of this symposium Eroglu said this symposium has sent the message to those who think that TRNC can be easily ignored. He further the world is reshaping in economy, new alliances, interconnectivity of the global world and impotence of UN.

The reversal for the left will be very very big. Dabi said. This is a vote that sanctions the government.

If you married a South American, then you must accept his culture. Stop being a whiny bitch Well, that class was the biggest mistake ever. He came home from the class with tiny jars of jam (or maybe jelly, I can鈥檛 tell the difference between the two) and suddenly he was a canning fiend. He canned peach jelly. He canned peach jam. He canned peach preserves. And they were delicious. So delicious that our neighbors and friends started making eye contact again. And they eagerly accepted our offerings of jars of peaches. And before we knew it, the peach tree was bare. Heck, I didn鈥檛 even get any vodka out of the deal. But I did think that was the end of the canning.

k One of the highlights of the trip was a surprise pre-match presentation on the pitch at Blackburn Rovers F.C. just prior to the Championship match with Norwich City when the boys made their way down the players鈥?tunnel along with the players, in front of over 12,000 spectators. The tour provided an amazing experience for the boys and a real insight into the game at the highest level. Coaches from Everton F.C. will be visiting Kuwait later this year to continue their input into the Academy players鈥?footballing development and to monitor their progress. Porat was already known as the most powerful woman on Wall Street, an industry that has yet to see its first female CEO. She played a pivotal role during the financial crisis of 2008, leading the Morgan Stanley teams that advised the government on the bailouts of AIG, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

1. Does your child want to attend a day camp or a resident camp? Typically, day camps are a child鈥檚 first camp experience that prepares him or her for overnight camps later on, but there鈥檚 no rule that says kids must start close to home. It all depends on what you鈥檙e looking for, and what鈥檚 comfortable for your child. Most importantly, you want your child to have fun at camp! As a nonprofit committed to youth development, the Y offers more than 1,800 day and 300 resident camp programs. Y camps focus on three areas proven to impact child development: friendship, accomplishment and belonging. CHARITY BINGO http://rayban.blessedhandmaidens.org

Commentary and photos submitted to the Missoulian (Missoulian.com) may be published or distributed in print, electronically or other forms. Opinions expressed in Missoulian.com’s comments reflect the opinions of the author, and are not necessarily the opinions of the Missoulian or its parent company. See the and for more information. Diogenix’s buyer, Amarantus Biosciences Holdings Inc. of San Francisco, has been unprofitable since its founding in 2008, has less than $2 million in assets and warned investors in November that there is substantial doubt about whether it can stay in business, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The company did not return phone calls from The Associated Press over several weeks. z Marilyn Monroe, for sure. She was the first Playmate ever and set the stage for all of us after. She was such a strong woman and you could tell she had a real passion for modeling. I have her picture on the wall in my room. ] Comments are encouraged, but you must follow our

S谩ndigo dijo adem谩s que 鈥渁煤n cuando la medida ser谩 puesta en vigor a discreci贸n del agente o el juez de inmigraci贸n a cargo de un proceso, el memorando es un enorme paso en la direcci贸n correcta y es una valiente determinaci贸n que, estamos seguros, detendr谩 la deportaci贸n de miles y probablemente millones de padres de menores de edad, muchos de ellos ciudadanos estadounidenses鈥? First, refer to your lease and note the statements regarding moving out, such as how much advance notice is required. Give proper notice and give the notice in writing, advised Kristi Cutts, a Family Living program educator for the Winnebago County University of Wisconsin-Extension.

Mayor Bob Minning will face challenger Mel Lenehan of Sunset Beach in the March 10 election. The two are expected to face off in a debate at city hall on a date to be determined. Collins is unopposed for the District 1 seat and Patrick Jeffares is unopposed for the District 3 seat, which is being vacated by Coward. 2. Jesus is condemned, the journey begins Are you feeling grateful yet, San Francisco? coach outlet store online 20.12.2013

Beating death of homeless man: The senseless, brutal attack on the Sunday before Thanksgiving had everyone鈥檚 attention 鈥?for a week or so. It seemed impossible that the three suspects wouldn鈥檛 be quickly apprehended. There was a video of them kicking Tai Lam, the 67-year-old polio victim, and a clear screenshot of one of the thugs. michael kors outlet 03/11/2015 05:43 PM MDT – Our heartfelt thanks to everyone who shopped at Whole Foods (Pearl Street, Baseline, Superior, and Bradburn locations) on Wednesday, Jan. v

The NCAA Playing Rules Oversight Panel must still approve the proposals on March 6. chanel bags and are staff writers. E-mail:, By Michelle Fe Santiago nofollow ray ban glasses Identification: It is not required for those already registered to vote. j

Tucson High’s boys soccer team will try to repeat as Division II state champions with the same seed it had last year in the postseason. Q. How did music therapy get started? Another tale underscoring Lee’s pragmatism was his visit to Jakarta in 1973 to offer flowers at the graves of two Indonesian marines who had been hanged five years earlier in Singapore for their involvement in a deadly bombing in 1965. Neighbours’ fences were coming down. In fact, Obama vaulted to victory in the crowded Democratic primary only after the multimillionaire front-runner imploded over personal problems. u ray ban outlet

Most also tend to be aggressive nationalists as George Orwell defined the term. In a famous 1945 essay, Orwell distinguished between love of country and the temptation to deify the nation-state “placing it beyond good and evil and recognizing no other duty than that of advancing its interests.” Mr Brown has no right to condemn China for enforcing its laws. Maybe he should take a leaf out of the Chinese government’s book and start to enforce the laws of Britain, instead of the laissez-faire attitude now displayed by the Prime Minister and his Government.

VIDEO: In a statement released through the NHL Players’ Association, Konopka accepted responsibility for the positive test. Konopka wouldn’t specify what the substance was except to say it was an ingredient found in an over-the-counter product. h michael kors outlet online

It’s a sad and uplifting story all at once, and it’s not so much about erasing a bad flashback as it is remembering one of the most important people in his life. 鈥?From 2003 to 2013, 138 law enforcement officers were struck and killed on our nation鈥檚 highways,鈥?according to the department.





我们认为下面这些真理是不言而喻的:人人生而平等,他们是造物主赋予他们若干不可剥夺的权利,其中包括生命权,自由权和追求幸福 – 评为了保障这些权利,各国政府才在人们中间,从的同意而产生的正当权力的制约,只要–That任何形式的政府变成损害这些目的的,它是人民的权力改变或废除它,以建立一个新政府,赖以奠基的原则,得以组织其权力的方式,为这样才最可能获得他们的安全和幸福。诚然,谨慎的将决定成立多年的政府是不应当由于轻微和短暂的原因而予以更换;过去的一切经验也在真空或,是尚能忍受,而邪恶忍受,比废除他们久已习惯了的,以他们自己的权利。然而,当一个政府恶贯满盈,倒行逆施的,追求同一目标evinces设计,以减少他们的专制统治之下,这是他们的权利,这是他们的责任,也有义务推翻这个政府,并提供新的保障为他们未来的安全.–这就是这些殖民地过去逆来顺受;以及现在不得不起来改变原先政治制度的原因。大不列颠国王的历史,就是屡屡伤害和强取豪夺的历史,其直接目标就是要建立一个独裁暴政超过这些国家。为了证明这一点,让事实向公正的世界。



他竭力阻止这些国家的人口;为此,他阻挠该法律的外国人入籍;他又拒绝批准其他鼓励外国人移居各州,并提高分配新土地的条件。 他曾阻挠司法当局,拒绝他批准对法律建立司法权力。 他把法官依赖于他个人的意志,为他们的办公室的任期,以及数额和支付他们的工资。 他建立新官署,派遣大批官员构成滋扰我们的人民,吞噬他们的财物。 他一直在我们中间,在和平时期,常备军未经我们的立法机关同意。 他施加影响,使军队独立和优越的民间力量。他结合别人把我们置于一个管辖国外对我们的宪法,以及未确认我们的法律;给他批准对假装立法的行为:




Culinary Adventures

Tried out a new Italian place on Thursday which claims to offer “geniune Roman cuisine”. It was pretty good, apart from that I ordered a side of peas and they bought me a bowl of ice cream.

And not cold ice cream, melted ice-cream. Warm, melted ice cream.

Apparently in Rome they bake a dessert and call it peas.

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