An Earful of Shins

Channel 73 (I refused to call it “7 Mate”) has started running repeats of Scrubs in the afternoons, which makes a pleasant change from repeats of That 70’s Show. Not that I have anything against That 70’s Show mind you (apart from perhaps when Laura Prepon dyed her hair blonde)Β  but variety is the spice of life and so on.

One of the great things about Scrubs has always been the music, a fact of which I was reminded when last night’s episode featured New Slang by the Shins. I haven’t heard that in ages, and enjoyed it so much that I immediately headed off to YouTube to listen to it in full. Then some other Shins tracks.

So, today you’re getting an earful of Shins. Not as painful as it sounds, I assure you…

My Chiffon is Wet!

Disco Stu likes Disco Music!

Have you ever wandered what that disco song they keep using in the Simpsons is? Well, wonder no more, for here you may behold the campy horrors of Disco Tex and his Sex-o-Lettes with 1975’s Get Dancin’

Disco Stu likes Disco Music!

Warehouse 23 13

Yeah, like I’d actually call her…

Caught a couple of episodes of Warehouse 13 last night for the first time.

I’ve been meaning to check the series out for a while, it’s been getting a fair amount of good press online and hence has been sitting in the back of my head as something to watch out for. So when Channel Seven announced (with a slight amount of fanfare) last week that they were putting it on at 8:30 Sunday nights I jumped at the opportunity (sorry Spielberg, Terra Nova is quite good, but not quite enough for me to obsessively reserve its timeslot).

So, having watched two episodes last night, I have a number of questions…

What’s with starting with episodes 8 and 9 rather than 1 and 2?
The most likely explanation of course is that they’ve quietly played the previous 7 episodes in some graveyard slot and all they’ve done now is promote the show up to the top rank by moving it to Sundays, but it’s a bit disconcerting to have all these ads promoting this great new series only to drop new viewers right in the middle of the first season without warning.

Why was the pre-credits teaser cut from Episode 9?
It would have been a lot easier to understand the episode if we’d seen the intro. Was it a typically pathetic attempt to run the two episodes together into a continuous “Movie Length Episode”, or just general incompetence?

Why did the Studio 54 Mirror Ball play generic disco music rather than I Will Survive?
Yeah, I know, probably a syndication licensing thing…

What – if any – is the connection with Steve Jackson Games and their GURPs Warehouse 23 from back in the 90s?
It’s exactly the same idea with a different number.

Why are the Communicators called ‘Farnsworths’ rather than ‘Logie-Bairds’?
Zing! πŸ™‚

Where can I get Allison Scagliotti’s phone number?

All that aside, I found the show quite entertaining – even if the science was abominable – and will keep tuning in for as long as Seven deign to air it at a reasonable hour – which will probably be for about two weeks at which point it won’t have beaten Terra Nova in the ratings so they’ll swap it out for So You Think You Can Juggle Chainsaws America or whatever their next guaranteed ratings winner is.

NCIS R’lyeh

Dunwich is ridiculously old…

Rejoice and be glad all ye people of the Interwebs! For my computer is healed!

Well, not exactly healed, but useable for the time being, which is the main thing. Once I pick up that additional 1 terabyte external drive and back up my music collection I’ll be sending it off to the shop for a complete overhaul – perhaps a complete reinstallation of Windows – which should see it right. I hope.

Anyway, while luxuriating in the ability to view Wikipedia on a decent sized screen this afternoon I discovered something rather, well, I don’t know that there’s a better adjective for it than “cool”.

Many years ago, when I was about 14,Β  I discovered that our local library had a book on tape of two stories by H.P.Lovecraft, The Dunwich Horror and The Rats in the Walls. I was quite getting into Lovecraft at the time and leapt on the opportunity to hear two tales I hadn’t yet managed to find a copy of – the only ones I’d tracked down at that point being Beyond the Wall of Sleep in a collection of Weird Tales reprints that also featured Tennessee Williams’ account of the revenge of Nitocris, and an August Derleth “collaboration” named Wizard’s Hollow.

The recordings were a bit cut down in order to fit them on a cassette tape each, but the actor reading them – someone I’d never heard of – did a remarkable job. His rich, but understated reading of the opening paragraphs of the Horror – the eerie description of the hills around Dunwich – has stayed with me ever since. In my mind it’s the definitive version of the story and I can still hear it in my head to this day – as can I his reading of the last line of The Rats.

The rats… The rats… in the walls…

(This is of course partially because a few years later the Library was selling off a bunch of old books and I was able to purchase the tapes, which are still in my personal collection)

So, today I was clicking my way around Wikipedia and ended up on the page for The Rats in the Walls. Much to my surprise the book on tape was mentioned along with the actor who’d read it. Out of curiosity I clicked through and discovered that… it’s Ducky!

That Ducky!

That’s just… cool. Try to tell me it isn’t.

I’ve been meaning to convert the tapes to MP3 (just for my own personal enjoyment) for years. Now I’ll have to do it. As soon as I can find them of course… πŸ™‚

Channeling Chuck Lorre

Tiger Blood!

In an email to my good friend Rebecca today I said (in relation to my computer woes) that if my hard drive has died I’m thoroughly rotated like a threaded metal fastening pin.

According to Rebecca this is word for word a line from Big Bang Theory, a show that I have watched all of twice, and was not terribly impressed with.

Apparently I’m channeling Chuck Lorre. This cannot be a good thing, no matter how you look at it…

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