Hark! A Well Employed and Housed Gentleman:

Title: “SWEDISH”

Panel 1: A Victorian gentleman in a cape and top hat is walking up the steps of a well-to-do house in foggy olde London Town.

Panel 2: Now inside, the gentleman speaks – somewhat furtively – to a well dressed young man while several elaborately dressed ladies lounge about provocatively.

      Gentleman: I believe you offer… Swedish
      Young Man: That is a service we can provide sir. If the price is right…

Panel 3: The gentleman – with a look of unseemly eagerness – pulls out his billfold.

      Gentleman: Money is no object!

Panel 4: The young man accepts a wad of cash and calls over one of the well dressed ladies.

      Young Man: Maria, please see this gentleman to a room. He requires… Swedish
      Maria: Of course. This way please, sir.

Panel 5: The Gentleman is in bed, with the blankets pulled up under his chin, a nightcap on his head and a look of childish delight on his face. Maria – fully clothed – is sitting on a chair reading from a child’s picture book.

       Maria: En gång i tiden fanns det tre små grisar


(Apologies to Kate Beaton)

Just be glad I don’t drink…

Burger King, Burger King,
Does whatever a Burger King does,
Spins a web, any size,
Catches thieves at Burger King,
Look out, he’s a Burger King,

Is he strong, Burger King?
He’s got radioactive blood,
Can he swing, from a web?
Take a look at Burger King,
Look out, he’s a Burger King,

In the chill of night,
At the scene of a crime,
Like a beam of light,
He arrives at Burger King,

Burger King, Burger King,
Friendly radio Burger King,
Wealth and fame, listen Bud,
Burger King is his reward,
To him, life is a just like flies up,
Overhead just in time Bud,
You’ll find the Burger King!


I was musing on the historical origins of the rod of Asclepius in the shower this morning (as you do) and suffered another one of those attacks where my brain produces something completely awful and then won’t let me rest until I inflict it upon a candid world. So it is with great sorrow, regret and apology that I present the following vicious and unjustified attack upon the musical legacy of the Beach Boys. I am so very sorry…

Worm, worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
Guinea worm, worm, worm, I gotta worm!
I gotta worm, worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
Gotta worm, worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
Messing with my brain! Worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
I’m in real bad pain! Worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
I’m sick of all the healers with their same old tricks,
I gotta find a new Doc with a twisty stick!
I gotta worm, worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
Guinea worm, worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
Messing with my brain! Worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!
I’m in real bad pain! Worm, guinea worm, I gotta worm!


Questions from my Toilet Paper

1: What is the best way to identify a frog species?
Stop it at the border and demand its papers

2: Some frogs can change the colour of their skin, why would they do this?
To keep up with the latest fashions

3: What is the biggest threat to our frogs?
Frog eating aliens from Tau Capricorni

4: True of False? Frogs can leap higher than a house.
True, for a sufficiently small house and a sufficiently large frog.

TP, why you question me?
TP, why you question me?

On France

France is a pentagonal country located in Western Europe, South America, the Caribbean, the Pacific and Indian Oceans, Antarctica and near Canada. In the middle of France is an island called France. In the middle of the island is a city. In the middle of the city is an island and in the middle of the island is a hunchback. The city is called Paris, and has nothing to do with the Trojan War.

Paris has an iron tower, a painting of a lady, tunnels lined with skulls and Jim Morrison.

Three languages are spoken in France, French, Breton and Occitan. Nobody understands Breton and nobody speaks Occitan. French people walk on stilts and sleep all winter. They will kiss you whether you want them to or not.

France was founded by Charlemagne who owned an elephant and was the grandson of a hammer. He shed the blood of the Saxon men. France famously killed their king and then set up new kings all over Europe to say sorry. They surrendered to Hitler in World War II, but you probably would have as well.

England and France fight all the time, except when they’re friends.

If French people don’t kiss you, they may instead blow you up. Boum!

That is really all you need to know about France.

So that was April Fools


So, did you think spammers had taken over the Wyrmlog? Did you? Almost certainly not, but hey, at least I did something.

In any case, for an Easter treat pop open this link in a new window, and watch the gif to the right. Isn’t that most perfect combo of sound and vision you’ve ever encountered? 🙂

(Assuming YouTube doesn’t stick an ad on front)

Konopka accepted responsibility for positive test!

The main sponsor of the bill, Councilman Brandon Scott, said he will try again to bring more transparency to the inspection process. chanel What qualities are needed to do a job like yours? Perseverance, a good sense of humor and the ability to listen and be fair and honest. m hollister

The most remote inhabited island in the world offers a different kind of island adventure than what you may have already experienced in the Caribbean.Think of an island vacation and rum drinks on a sandy beach probably come to mind. Think of Easter Island and those giant heads probably come to mind.But Easter Island 锟?Rapa Nui to the natives 锟?offers a chance to combine plenty of relaxing island adventures with visits to fascinating archeological sites. The island is a World Heritage Site. You锟絣l never think of the island as just 锟絫hat place with giant heads锟?again.The island is small enough that in several days you can visit all of the most important sites and get a true grasp of what is known of the island锟絪 history 锟?while still having plenty of traditional island fun and relaxation. Do pay for an English-speaking guide to take you around. Various packages are available and are worth the cost.The island got its name when Dutch explorers spied the island on Easter 1722. Thinking there might be gold under the moai, they topped a few of them but found only bones.Toppled moai, the Rapa Nui believe, must be left where they fall. Most were brought down during civil wars by the islanders themselves, but in modern times some of the moai have been restored to an upright position because it锟絪 difficult to attract tourists with fallen statues 锟?and tourism is obviously what fuels the island economy.Some of the moai are topped with a red pukao, made of a different stone from a separate quarry.The best time to visit Rapa Nui is during Tapati, which takes place the first two weeks in February. More than just a festival, it is a series of contests in which the people compete in dancing, sports, and in depictions of native dress. That the culture has been preserved is remarkable considering the island锟絪 history. At one point, the native Rapa Nui were taken into slavery and only a small number remained alive when the survivors were ultimately restored to the island. Also notable to the island锟絪 history is that the earlier inhabitants had completely deforested the island and had hunted to extinction the nesting birds that were so important to their way of life. (For more on the history of the island锟絪 ecological collapse, see Jared Diamond锟絪 2005 book, 锟紺ollapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed.锟?To get to the island, you锟絣l likely fly in from Santiago, Chile, although there are a few flights from Tahiti. Combine your time in Easter Island with a stay in Santiago, where you锟絣l find plenty of things to do, from hiking and horseback riding in the Andes to visiting museums and historic sites.

Page 2 of 2 – Here are just a few of the don锟絫-miss sites on Rapa Nui:锟?Anakena Beach is one of the most beautiful beaches in the world and the only one on which you will be able to sunbathe while pondering a row of moai standing sentinel. Legend has it that the Polynesian people leaving their home island after a volcanic eruption sought this island after having a vision and first landed on this gorgeous beach.锟?Ahu Akivi is the only place where the moai will be found facing the ocean. The seven standing moai represent the seven professions of those sent to colonize the island: fisherman, astrologist, farmer, doctor, sculptor, writer and architect, according to one tour guide. The seven are lined up to face the sunset during the equinox.锟?Akahanga contains toppled moai as well as village remains. Stone foundations show where their dwellings once stood and rings of stones mark where they built fires so they could use hot stones to steam fish and vegetables wrapped in banana leaves. A small cave shows where villagers hid in times of danger.锟?Rano Raraku is the quarry where islanders somehow carved the large moai, weighing around 80 tons, and then transported them to various sites all over the island. Over time, the size and the craftsmanship of the moai increased. There are moai in various stages of production here, from some that were never completely quarried to others that toppled over during transport 锟?meaning the islanders would have to start fresh on a new carving.锟?Orongo means 锟絟earing the message锟?and refers to the practices of the Birdman Cult that seemed to gradually overtake the ancient ancestor worship associated with the moai. Each year, young men would come to this ceremonial center for six months, preparing for the perilous contest of scaling a dangerous cliff down to the sea, then swimming to a small adjacent island where sooty terns nested. The objective was to obtain the first egg of the season. The name of the first man to find an egg would be called back to the big island. But he wouldn锟絫 truly be the winner until he brought the egg back unbroken. The last year of the competition was 1863. Because they carved a birdman petroglyph into a rock to mark the competition every year, we know the tradition lasted for 111 years. While the young men trained, the young women prepared to be considered queen by staying in a cave for six months. Then they锟絛 stand on a certain rock and submit to an examination to confirm virginity. Young men who didn锟絫 win the competition would receive as a consolation prize one of the virgins.锟?Adjacent to Orongo is Rano Kau, a volcanic crater full of fresh water that overlooks the ocean and has an eerie beauty. hollister While talking on to the importance of this symposium Eroglu said this symposium has sent the message to those who think that TRNC can be easily ignored. He further the world is reshaping in economy, new alliances, interconnectivity of the global world and impotence of UN.

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Commentary and photos submitted to the Missoulian (Missoulian.com) may be published or distributed in print, electronically or other forms. Opinions expressed in Missoulian.com’s comments reflect the opinions of the author, and are not necessarily the opinions of the Missoulian or its parent company. See the and for more information. http://rayban.blessedhandmaidens.org Diogenix’s buyer, Amarantus Biosciences Holdings Inc. of San Francisco, has been unprofitable since its founding in 2008, has less than $2 million in assets and warned investors in November that there is substantial doubt about whether it can stay in business, according to Securities and Exchange Commission filings. The company did not return phone calls from The Associated Press over several weeks. z oakley sunglasses

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