A Merry Christmas to you all!
Category: Silliness and Randomness
I still got it!
Anyone recognise the formula?
I just spent 20 minutes converting the formula…
d = M-((M/2)+7)
M = 2(d+7)
I still got it baby!
(Even if it would have taken me about a 10th of the time back in high school :))
The steps are…
d = M-((M/2)+7)
M = d+((M/2)+7)
M = d+7+(M*0.5)
M-(M*0.5) = d+7 (This one took me ages)
0.5*M = d+7
M = 2(d+7)
Now, does anyone recognise the base formula?
It occurred to me late last night that Plastic Bertrand’s Ca Plane Pour Moi and Sigue Sigue Sputnik’s Love Missile F1-11 share the same beat and chord progression (or at least the same something, I’m no musician…). This means that you could make an awesome mashup!
Think about it!
US bombs cruising overhead!
There’s goes my love rocket red!
Multi-millions still unfed!
Psycho maniac interbred!
Now shoot it up!
Shoot it up!
Shoot it up!
Shoot it up up up up up up!
Now shoot it up!
Shoot it up!
Yeah, I’ll shut up now 🙂
PS: Boo yah! Plain Packaging legislation has passed. Take that Tobacco industry!
A Challenge!
You think you’re good eh?
A shiny new donkey for whoever can identify the following!
You know, I’ve just been feeling like crap lately. Dunno why, but I just can’t be arsed about anything. The world feels like a dead chunk of rock, pointlessly going round and round the sun. And, I mean, look at the sky – that big blue dome with the sun, and moon and stars and stuff? It might as well be a big cloud of toxic gas as far as I care.
And people – have you ever thought about how amazing a person is? How amazing it is that we exist? That we can think? We’re so adaptable -a human being can do just about anything, and if we can’t do it, we can imagine it. We’re the most amazing species the world has ever come up with, the most advanced animal on the planet – but I just can’t give a shit.
Your time starts now!
Well, how else do you explain the reality distortion field?
Every day thousands of Apple Fanboys are sacrificed to keep iTunes running…
The real reason Steve Jobs retired? He had to ascend to the Golden Throne to sustain the iCloud servers.
(He also powers the Applenomican – the psychic beacon that enables geolocation on all iPhones…)
Later: Oh wow. Bad timing on this post…
William Winsbury took 40 gold bars. He took 40 gold bars. That’s as many as four tens. And that’s terrible.
Eidechsen und Seeschlangen
My good friend Rebecca is learning German. Hence the following email exchange today…
Sprechen du Deutsch? Was ist Ihre Meinung von der örtlichen Fußballmannschaft? Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voller Aale!
Ja, spreche bitte Deutsch, mein Deutsch nicht so gut. Mein Meinung ist schrecklich, der ist kicken sie katzen. So, das ihr Luftkissenfahrzeugversicherung abdeckung Aalen?
Mein Luftkissenfahrzeug Versicherung deckt nur Eidechsen und Seeschlangen.
So, nicht so umfassend.
Der Aal Versicherung benötigt eine zusätzliche 30 Euro im Monat. Ich vermute, meine Versicherung gegen Fisch ist voreingenommen…
Achzo, Fisch Vorurteil ist sehr häufig.
Ich habe gehört, dass. Leider habe ich nicht der Ansicht, die Vorliebe von Aalen für unkonventionelle Fahrzeuge bei der Auswahl meiner Versicherung, weil ich nur mit meinem Hovercraft zu Lande bestimmt. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, sie würden die Migration aus dem Wasser, um es zu suchen. Jetzt muss ich Mitarbeiter ein Aal-Entfernungs-Dienstes.
(Disclaimer: I do not speak German, I just use a lot of Google Translate ;))
It all makes sense!
Max Brooks sees all
I just figured it out. REM is breaking up so Michael Stipe can get into training to kill zombies.
Keen Observational Skills
Maybe I just subconsciously blocked it out…
Just discovered (courtesy of Worst of Perth) that the former Ettamogah Pub in Morley has been demolished.
And when I say “has been demolished” I mean “was demolished back in 2009”.
I go past the site all the time, and hadn’t even noticed. My powers of observation are obviously as keen as ever!