What’s a Woman?

Loving Ali Barter’s new track Girlie Bits. Savage lyrics with a deceptively sweet tune and delivery…

Also, how good is samuraiguitarist’s western cover of The Final Countdown?

Have been busy with a number of projects lately, which will hopefully see the light of day soon. Assuming of course the world doesn’t end when either President Trump starts World War III or a new Civil War breaks out on the election of President Clinton.

Interesting times my friends, interesting times…

Cunning, Flesh-Covered Androids

We have now entered the media blackout period for Saturday’s Federal election. Praise the lord for small mercies. If I had to watch another ad with Malcolm Turnbull droning …jobs. and. growth. jobs. and. growth… or Bill Shorten trying to convince us he’s not some sort of cunning, flesh-covered android I may well have gone spare.

It currently looks like the Libs will get back in, probably with a reduced minority. Not the ideal situation, but as long as they don’t get control of the Senate it won’t be a complete disaster. God alone knows what’s going to happen up there, what with the new Senate voting rules and the ever increasing numbers of insane micro-parties – let alone the fact that the double dissolution has put all the Senate seats up for grabs. Interesting times my friends, interesting times. Get your monkey paws ready.

I am currently in the last stages of preparation for my trip to the UK. Airbnb has decided that I am a human being rather than some sort of cunning, flesh-covered android which means I have organised some places to stay and will not have to sleep under a series of canal bridges. This, combined with getting enough stuff completed at work before I leave means I have not had time to do much else, hence the lack of updates.

I have started to develop the ability to recognise New Zealand postcodes. I’m not sure if this is for good or ill.

The Austrian Govmint’s Pleen Pickaging Loh Ex Spearmint

Oh, this is something special!

That could possibly be an Australian, if they had a smoking induced stroke.

You have to wonder, if Plain Packaging is such a failure then why is the tobacco industry spending millions of dollars funding lobby groups like the “Property Rights Alliance” to stop it?

Hunting for Witches

You know, I really feel bad for the right wing of the Liberal Party. The review they demanded into the Safe Schools program has turned out to be a balanced and fair investigation instead of the ideologically fueled witch hunt they were expecting. I mean, what’s happening to this country when you can’t even get a good, old fashioned,  small-minded, hate-filled witch hunt going? Jeeze!

Calling all Creeps

From the Sydney Morning Herald

A self-styled pick-up artist who thinks rape should be legalised wants like-minded Sydney men to meet up and bond later this month.

A “neomasculinist” online group whose supporters believe rape should be legalised on private property and that women are biologically determined to follow the orders of men will meet for the first time in real life in Sydney on Saturday.

The meeting, at 8pm in Hyde Park in Sydney and at 43 other locations around the world, is organised by US-based “neomasculinist” and legal rape advocate, Daryush “Roosh” Valizadeh.

He has said women, transgender men and homosexual men were not invited.

I fully support this meeting! Getting all the vermin together in one spot will make it so much easier to exterminate them.

(Disclaimer: As we inhabit a fallen age where the ability to understand or even recognise instances of satire and hyperbole is a lost art I would like to clearly state that I in no way advocate or encourage the killing, injury or assault of Daryush Valizadeh or any of his disgusting little reptilian followers. No matter how satisfying such action would be.)

No More

Apparently someone with an axe to grind has been distributing poorly photocopied duplicates of Pauline Hanson’s “No More” Facebook image to mailboxes in the northern suburbs (I won’t link to it, I’m not giving her the page views).

While at first glance one might agree with an image of Pauline and the giant words “NO MORE”, it goes on to clarify that what she wants is no more Mosques, Sharia Law, Halal Certification and Muslim refugees, and then reminds the reader that she’s standing for election to the Senate for Queensland in 2016.

Putting aside the fact that you can’t, logically, have less Sharia law when your country has no Sharia law to begin with, it seems to have escaped the notice of whoever’s distributing these things that people in Darch – and indeed people in the roughly 76% of the country that isn’t Queensland – are completely unable to vote for Queensland’s Senators. But then, anyone who’d consider voting for Pauline is not the sharpest tool in the shed to being with, so maybe we can give them a pass.

Bonus Content! Let’s all take a moment to remember Pauline’s fellow traveler on the loony right Jackie Lambie’s wonderfully incisive definition of Sharia Law…

“Well, I think, um, when it comes to, um, Sharia, Sharia law, um, you know, to me, it’s um, it’s, uhh, it, it, obviously involves terrorism”

Brilliant! Just brilliant!


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