The Stupid Country

60% of Australians are idiots

Google has released its 10 most searched for terms in Australia for 2011. At number three is…. “Google”.

While I’d really, really like to attribute that to IT Crowd fans, I think it’s just a clear indication that people, fundamentally, are morons.

The full, shameful list…

1. Facebook
2. YouTube
3. Google
4. Games
5. eBay
6. Hotmail
7. Brisbane
8. Weather
9. News
10. Yahoo

That’s more terrible than stealing 30 cakes.

The Importance of Data

I’m not who you think I am.

You know, I’m not as smart as people think I am.

I mean, yeah, I’m smart. I can say without too much unjustified arrogance that I’m a lot smarter than the average Joe on the street. But the thing is I come off as being far smarter than I actually am, because I have a vast amount of readily available data to draw on.

I’m knowledgeable. I’m really knowledgeable. This is one of the advantages that having a differently structured brain gives you. Sure, an autistic brain is retarded (I use the phrase in it’s literal sense of ‘held back’, so don’t be getting all up in my grill ‘kay?) socially, but it’s fantastic at storing and quickly retrieving ridiculous amounts of information. I absorb information like a sponge, and can usually pull it up for processing with a moment’s notice. Combine this with a merely higher than average IQ and it comes out looking positively phenomenal.

Trust me, I’m not really as smart as you think. Look at maths for instance. I can’t do maths in my head at all, I just don’t have the working memory for it. Give me a pen and pad to act as an external buffer and I can crunch numbers until the cows come home, but ask me to add two three digit numbers in my head (what’s 528 plus 234?), and I really struggle – I just can’t hold all the number combinations in my brain at the same time.

And time. I have very little sense of time. I caught up with Fabes over the weekend and he pointed out that it’s been six months since we last spoke. I would guessed it was one and a half, maybe two months tops. That’s just stupid πŸ™‚

So yeah, don’t overestimate my intelligence folks. I don’t have a terribly fast processor, and very limited RAM – my fast System Bus and massive hard drive just make it seem like I do πŸ™‚

I still got it!

Anyone recognise the formula?

I just spent 20 minutes converting the formula…

d = M-((M/2)+7)


M = 2(d+7)

I still got it baby!

(Even if it would have taken me about a 10th of the time back in high school :))

The steps are…

d = M-((M/2)+7)
M = d+((M/2)+7)
M = d+7+(M*0.5)
M-(M*0.5) = d+7
(This one took me ages)
0.5*M = d+7
M = 2(d+7)

Now, does anyone recognise the base formula?

Warehouse 23 13

Yeah, like I’d actually call her…

Caught a couple of episodes of Warehouse 13 last night for the first time.

I’ve been meaning to check the series out for a while, it’s been getting a fair amount of good press online and hence has been sitting in the back of my head as something to watch out for. So when Channel Seven announced (with a slight amount of fanfare) last week that they were putting it on at 8:30 Sunday nights I jumped at the opportunity (sorry Spielberg, Terra Nova is quite good, but not quite enough for me to obsessively reserve its timeslot).

So, having watched two episodes last night, I have a number of questions…

What’s with starting with episodes 8 and 9 rather than 1 and 2?
The most likely explanation of course is that they’ve quietly played the previous 7 episodes in some graveyard slot and all they’ve done now is promote the show up to the top rank by moving it to Sundays, but it’s a bit disconcerting to have all these ads promoting this great new series only to drop new viewers right in the middle of the first season without warning.

Why was the pre-credits teaser cut from Episode 9?
It would have been a lot easier to understand the episode if we’d seen the intro. Was it a typically pathetic attempt to run the two episodes together into a continuous “Movie Length Episode”, or just general incompetence?

Why did the Studio 54 Mirror Ball play generic disco music rather than I Will Survive?
Yeah, I know, probably a syndication licensing thing…

What – if any – is the connection with Steve Jackson Games and their GURPs Warehouse 23 from back in the 90s?
It’s exactly the same idea with a different number.

Why are the Communicators called ‘Farnsworths’ rather than ‘Logie-Bairds’?
Zing! πŸ™‚

Where can I get Allison Scagliotti’s phone number?

All that aside, I found the show quite entertaining – even if the science was abominable – and will keep tuning in for as long as Seven deign to air it at a reasonable hour – which will probably be for about two weeks at which point it won’t have beaten Terra Nova in the ratings so they’ll swap it out for So You Think You Can Juggle Chainsaws America or whatever their next guaranteed ratings winner is.

Good News Everyone!

Good News Everyone!I am happy to report that I’ve been able to get my PC to boot into Ubuntu via a live CD and am in the process of backing up all my important data to an external drive. This means that – hopefully this weekend – I’ll be able to drop the box into a repair shop for a complete overhaul without worrying about some clueless keyboard monkey accidentally formatting the hard drive.

(Cue the comments asking my why I don’t just install Ubuntu and be done with it. Hey, do I tell you how to run your life?)

(Oh, I do. Fair enough)

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