Flickr Community: Hey Flickr! You used to be cool but now you’re old and tired! You need to change! Flickr Sucks!
Flickr: We heard what you’ve all been saying – Welcome to the new and improved Flickr!
Flickr Community: What!? What is this crap!? Why did they change it!? Change back! I want to opt out! Flickr Sucks!!! SUUUUUCCCCKKKKSSSS!!!!!!!!
Generalised idiocy in the webosphere aside, I’m currently undecided on the new look Flickr. I don’t hate it, but I don’t yet love it. I’m going to give it some time to settle in before jumping on any bandwagons, pro or anti.
Now if I can only select a cover image without having to specifically upload something…
PS: Oh I meant to mention that SAVN are doing some sterling work regarding the Australian Vaccination Network.