
The delightful Helen Killer (AKA April Winchell, who’s probably done voices for something you’ve watched at some point) has once again put her collection of awful, awful holiday music up on Regretsy for you to share and enjoy. Among the files ready to find a new, permanent home on your hard drive is this, which I have just decided is the best Christmas song ever recorded (to quote April, make sure the cat is outside).

God bless us, every one!


So, tomorrow is the end of the world! Woo-hoo!

I can tell you what’s going to happen tomorrow – nothing. That is to say plenty will happen, but none of it will be any different to any other day on planet Earth. Sure, a cycle in a calender is coming to an end, but so what? Someone’s calendar is always ticking over. What makes the Mayans so damn special?

B’ak’tun come and go – after all they only last 394 years. Did the world end in 1617? Was human consciousness lifted to a new level in 1223? All evidence points to no. I ain’t holding my breath this time around.

And sure, you can claim that the end of the 13th b’ak’tun is special. That each ‘world’ lasts 13 b’ak’tun and then ends. The problem with that is that it’s an entirely modern idea based on fundamental misinterpretations of Mayan thought. There are only two Mayan inscriptions that even mention the end of b’ak’tun 13 – one of them merely notes that it’ll happen one day, the other says it’s the festival of an almost completely unknown minor god. That’s it. No prophecies, no predictions, absolutely nothing to suggest that the commencement of b’ak’tun 14 will be any different to any other point in human existence.

The end of the 13th b’ak’tun is upon us. The world won’t end, or be transformed, the human race won’t be wiped out or redeemed, and things will carry on into the 14th b’ak’tun just the same as it ever was – except that new age con-men will need to find some other way to sell books to the gullible (I’m guessing something to do with Nibiru).

I’m still going to take the opportunity to post this though…

I Have Some Complaints

The old depression is absolutely killing me at the moment. I’m dragging myself into work, but spend a lot of the day just dully staring at the screen trying to remember what I’m meant to be doing. Not good, not good at all.

In any case, I have some complaints…

Westpac – it’s pretty impressive that you were able to find, let alone hire Bonnie Tyler for your latest ad, but seriously, what kind of maniac would play Total Eclipse of the Heart at a wedding? It’s a song about a relationship crashing and burning! You might as well play Deutschland über Alles at a Bar Mitzvah!

Treechange – I hate that word. I don’t know why I hate it, I just do. With a passion. If you ask me, Sigrid Thornton has a lot to answer for.

All over the news this morning is an artist in Queensland who’s using roadkill and maggots to make paintings. Any fool who thinks this is newsworthy has obviously never hung out with artists.

The Twelfth of the Twelfth Twenty-Twelve – Oh woop-de-do. Some numbers have lined up. Let’s all strip naked in the street and party. If we used base 8 or something this would be a day like any other.

That’s it. Maybe some caffeine will cheer me up.

Y’ha-nthlei is Deeper than they know…

The festive season is definitely upon us – I can’t get It’s Beginning to look a lot like Fishmen out of my head.

Still, I suppose it’s better than getting earwormed by the original version…

Thoughts for the Day

1: People who can’t tell the difference between ‘balmy’ and ‘barmy’ should be shot.

2: Kim Deal’s vocals on Here Comes Your Man remind me of the high school sweetheart I never had.

3: The government’s new National Broadband Network ads look like the containment grid’s broken down again.

That is all

One of these things is not like the others – Redux

As my trivia challenge from last week seems to have stunned everyone into silence, the time is probably right to provide the answers…

* During the cold war, the United States deployed nuclear-warhead tipped bazookas.

TRUE! It was called the Davy Crockett, and was one of many insane weapon systems designed to defend the Fulda Gap.

* While Governor of California, Ronald Reagan launched a dressmaker’s dummy into orbit.

FALSE! This was however a plot line from the short lived Brother Power the Geek.

* Pope John Paul II was a member of the Harlem Globetrotters.

TRUE! The Globetrotters hand out honorary memberships to all kinds of people, including the late Pontiff.

* Alfred Hitchcock had no navel.

TRUE! Hitchcock was, of course, born with one, but by the time of his death he’d had so much abdominal surgery that it had completely gone missing.

That’s it! Go make your own entertainment!

Kullervo it Ain’t

Been dividing my time between feeling horribly run down and depressed, and building my knight titan (it’s actually starting to look pretty good). Neither are leaving much time for blogging.

But hey, worse things happen in Finland…

(It’s probably sad that I immediately identified this… thing… as being Finnish from the shots of the Sibelius Monument).

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