Got to feet?

It has come to my attention recently that after a long period of no lyrics being available at all for Shivaree’s song Scrub the net is suddenly flooded with them. I’d say this is good news, except for the fact that…

  1. They all seem to have been copied from one source,
  2. That source is somewhat dodgy.

I’d guess that someone put a lot of time and effort into transcribing the song. For the most part this has paid off, but there are one or two lines that are just blech. I mean “So small and sad you’re a skit“? What?! This cannot be allowed to stand.

So, here I present my version of the lyrics. Ones that make sense. Well, OK it’s Shivaree so it doesn’t make a huge amount of sense, but it makes a good deal more than the other versions floating ’round the net…

by Shivaree

On the way coming up,
I’m quiet as a cup,
Be a girl anyway,
Close enough,

In your life,
Such a mess,
So small inside your skin1,
Got some time on the hand,
On the cast there’s no love,

No, only proof,
Of love this is the truth,
So I’ll drop my hand,
Think it’s you2,

You’re on the club,
Got two feet as they fall3,
Dropped on the bed4,
A spinning head love,

Now, keep the score5,
Like a baby tallies war6,
Adam should have just stepped on the snake7,

Naughty boys try to come,
But the best ones always go,
Say goodbye with a smile,
And they spoke there’s no love,

No, only proof,
Of love this is the truth,
So I’ll drop my hand,
Think it’s you2,

You’re on the club,
Got two feet as they fall3,
Dropped on the bed4,
A reeling f**king stone block,

Now, keep the score5,
Like a baby tallies war6,
Adam should have just stepped on the snake,

Adam should have just stepped on,
Adam should have just stepped,
Adam should have just stepped on the snake,

  1. This line may be “So small and sad you’re a skit” as suggested in the commonly posted lyrics (CPL), but I doubt it. It doesn’t fit the meter and it makes no freakin’ sense. I’m pretty confident “So small inside your skin” is the correct lyric.
  2. The CPL has “Look at you” for this line, but I’m not convinced. Neither am I totally convinced of my interpretation, but I think it’s closer than “Look at you”. (‘Pikachu’ is even closer but I’m not even going to think about that! πŸ˜‰
  3. The CPL has “Got to feet” here which is just stupid. It would have to be “Got two feet”. Equally likely is “Got to feed”.
  4. This line could equally as well be “Trapped on the bed”, but I’ve left it as “Dropped” to tie in with “fall” from the previous line.
  5. The first word of this line is so muffled that it’s impossible to even take a stab at what it might be. “Now” is as good a guess as any.
  6. The CPL has “Like a baby tell his war”. The only explanation I can offer for this is that the transcriber is unfamilar with the verb “tallies”.
  7. This line is definitely correct, however I spent a long time thinking it was “Adam sure, I’ll just stand on the snake” which kind of puts a different spin on the whole song eh? πŸ™‚

So, one more abuse of the musical arts corrected. Now if only I can smuggle a rifle into that Shannon Noll concert… πŸ™‚

The Saga Continues

I was hoping to have today off to make up for working Saturday. No such luck, put in another 10 hours. I was also hoping to have tomorrow off – since I arranged to have every second Friday off – but I’m going to have to go in. Probably another nine hours. I’m so tired I can barely think.

So naturally (the universe having it in for me and all) who should I run into on the train? Lyndah of course. Haven’t seen her in months and we run into each other when I’m exhausted, disheveled, suffering from severe sleep deprivation and all my clothes are crumpled up because I haven’t had the time to iron properly. Isn’t it fantastic the way circumstances conspire to screw me over in the most remarkable way possible? *sigh* πŸ™‚

Well at least she said hello. That was nice. She could have walked on past without saying a word – I was strenuously pretending not to have noticed her and was doing a pretty professional job of it (I’m good at looking vague ;-). Things are easier that way – people are way too complicated.

Hmmmm I’m sure there was some other stuff I was going to write about, but I can’t think of it. So I’ll write about something else I was going to write about but couldn’t think of a while ago but can think of now.

So, how’s this for a plot? A scientist working for the Government is messing around with some alien technology. It activates unexpectedly and he finds himself stranded in a parallel universe where a major project taking place in his own universe is far more advanced, to the detriment of all. He’s treated with extreme suspicion by people he regards as his friends but who’ve never actually met him, and one of his closest friends (with radically altered facial hair) turns out to be a dangerous enemy. As disaster approaches he manages to convince the powers that be to give him the resources he needs to return home and save his own world from disaster.

Fans of Stargate-SG1 will of course recognise it as the plot of the episode There but for the Grace of God, recorded in 1998. Fans of Doctor Who on the other hand may recognise it as the plot of Inferno recorded in 1970.

Hmmm, coincidence? πŸ™‚

Twirling round… Twirling round…

Alec Eiffel by the Pixies is the sound of the inside of my head. It’s the sound that my brain makes. If you really want to know what it’s like to be me then get hold of a copy, put in on a stereo with a really good subwoofer, turn the volume up loud enough to severely anger the neighbours, hit ‘play’, close your eyes and listen. Really listen. Listen to the individual threads of sound, listen to them in combination, study the beats and patterns. Repeat. Turn down the lights and repeat. Do this enough and you might get some idea of how I think πŸ˜€

That twirling round song by Kenobi on the other hand is the complete antithesis of how my brain works. As soon as it comes on the radio my brain goes into total spasm. Axons firing randomly, neurons slamming shut (or is it open? I need to brush up on my neurology) and entire sections of my cortexes (corti?) disconnecting and dancing round and round in a ring much like the animals in the song. If it ever comes on while I’m using scissors there’s every chance I’ll die a horrible bloody death.

Another nine hour day. It probably shows.

Too… Tired… to… Type… at… Normal… Rate…

Well there’s been another long break between entries (or maybe it just seems long). This is (of course) down to work, which seems deterined to kill me at the moment. I worked nine hours today, ten hours yesterday, and six hours on Saturday (yes, I went in to the office on Saturday) and I’m still behind. Stupid server upgrade!

Anyway I’m just really making an entry to say that I’m not dead. Oh, and that I’m reading a really good book at the moment. A Little Piece of England by Andrew Gurr – the former Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands. Not only is the subject matter fascinating (well, at least I think it is), but his writing style is hilarious. There are sentences in there (even the odd passage) that could have been penned by Douglas Adams. It’s great!

Oh yeah, I also received a mothers’ day catalogue from the ABC yesterday. A mothers’ day catalogue titled Thing’s (sic) You’ll Love. There is no way I can let that pass!

So… <Frasier Crane>What is the world coming to when that bastion of learning and culture the A-B-C sends out a brochure emblazoned with a glaring grammatical error!!</Frasier>

C’mon, put on your best Boston accent and shout it out loud! You know you want to πŸ™‚

PS: Nikki Webster has a new album?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was confronted by an incredible demon force…

Well, so much for a long and detailed entry this week.

Work is hellish at the moment. Still big problems with the new server, and now our email has gone completely apewire. We can get email, but we can’t send it – so everyone who runs into problems with the new server sends us emails about it and we can’t reply, so they think we’re being rude, which is never good for a business.

Add in the fact that I’ve got about five websites to finish in the next 48 hours, and have no way of actually doing so without engaging in some kind of warping of the space time continuum and I’m sure you can see why I have no energy for writing when I get home in the evenings. I’ve barely got the energy to eat – which at least might help me lose some weight.

So there it is. Work is hell and my life sucks. So what’s new?

My Manta Ray’s Alright

Well, finally the Wyrmlog is back in some kind of reasonable form. I’ve still got to add in the rest of the sections (books, music, links, all that other self indulgent crud πŸ™‚ but the entries are back up and formatted. So I’m happy with it for now. Expect more corrections over the next two weeks until we’re back to normal operations or a resonable facsimile of such.

This week, with the server change over, has been hell. I’m not going to write about it because I’m still recovering. Thank Mr Winkle it’s a long weekend! has an ANZAC Day logo. That’s nice of them.

So yeah that’s what happening. I’m too exhausted to write any more now, but expect a longer update over the next few days. Probably πŸ™‚

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