The Vast Suburban Churches…


Just hopping on quickly to say that Jamie T’s song Sheila is truly excellent. Not only does it get the young people listening to Betjeman (The Cockney Amorist to be precise), but the video clip has monkeys! Monkeys!!

(And before anyone decides to complain and say they’re apes, I’d like to point out that macaques are actually monkeys – even though they don’t have tails. So there!)

Hmmm, while we’re at it the video for Muses’ Invicible is also fairly awesome. As is the song. Indulgent – we are talking Muse after all – but awesome. I really must pick up a copy of their latest album.

Finno-Ugric Here We Come!

Ramblings about why there haven’t been many entries lately, and about horses on fire.

Well I honestly intended to get a decent entry written this weekend, but what with everything that’s going on – illness, Doctor’s appointments, my brother’s 30th birthday, etc – I didn’t find the time. This is somewhat of a problem as it means more and more news is backing up that I want to write about, meaning that when I do get the chance to write it’s going to eat up a big chunk of time, and be a massive entry.

I suppose I could make some kind of resolution to write a little bit a day, but c’mon, there’s no way I’d keep it. So I guess I’ll just have to put an entire day or so aside for updates, probably next weekend. Probably.

This is turning into a rather awful entry really. Just moaning and excuses about why there aren’t any real entries. I should try and find something to talk about to try and make it worth reading. Which is difficult because I’m typing this out during my lunchbreak at work, with a sandwich in one hand and my co-workers peering over my shoulder with their beady little eyes (well, potentially peering over my shoulder with their perfectly normal eyes to be honest). Maybe I can find something interesting on Wikipedia to link to…

There we go, Ubykh, the (sadly) now extinct Caucasian language with 84 consonants, 2 vowels, and special linguistic classes for things to do with horses, and putting things in and out of fires (don’t even try to talk about putting horses into fires :). The last speaker died in 1992, and one has to wonder if he was playing some kind of obscure Caucasian joke on the field linguists.

Linguist: How do you say “I buy the goat”?

Informant: Rttgfuhgdnbodd sgfsfhodd gftrg

Linguist: So “to buy” is “sgfsfhodd”?

Informant: Yes, unless buy horse

Linguist: Unless you’re buying a horse? Why?

Informant: Horse special. To buy horse is “Rtthgufgfbog swdddfhad hfgth”. Horse have own words. Is special.

Linguist: OK…. what about “I put the goat in the stall”?

Informant: Mghfugghug fghohh gftrg

Linguist: But if it was a horse?

Informant: Mdfugghuu fgtott hfgth. Unless put horse in fire. Then is dugdugdog fghott groogol.

Linguist: ….

Stranger things have happened! (and yes, I know nothing about Caucasian languages, so don’t email to say that “rtthgufgfbog” is clearly Finno-Ugric or something :).

Better get back to work.

So what’s going on then?

In yor hosiptal eetin yor hosiptal foodz

This is just a quick update to make some brief explanation as to why there have been no updates lately. Work has been a real nightmare for the last four weeks or so, and I’ve been incredibly stressed out – so stressed out in fact that I ended up spending a night in hospital with a suspected heart attack (it wasn’t a heart attack I hasten to point out – apparently despite being an overweight slob who hardly ever gets any exercise I have the heart of an ox). With that kind of stuff going on I just haven’t had the time or energy to write anything even halfway decent (although I was tempted to knock together a lolcat of “In yor hosiptal eetin yor hosiptal foodz” πŸ™‚

Things should be back to normal soon. Hopefully.

Arms for the Poor!

Don’t you wish spammers would learn to spell? Or possibly just die?

From a spam email recently received at the office…

Now that God! Has called me, I have willed and given most of my properties and assets to my immediate and extended family members and as well as a few close friends. I want God to be merciful to me and accept my soul and so, I have decided to give arms to charity organizations and give succour and comfort to the less privileged in our societies, as I want this to be one of the last good deeds I do on earth.

Arm the charities! Give rifles to UNICEF! Get grenades for Greenpeace! Send your spare pistols to the WWF, and if you have a pocket battleship going spare I’m sure Amnesty International can use it!


No updates for a while since I had to work Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday. And I’m having to work again today. Dale is away you see and totally out of contact, so I’ve had to manage things at the office – and managing things is not really my strong suit. Add to this a number of deadlines he gave clients and failed to give us before his departure, and the workload is a bit on the high side.

I will probably survive. I’ll try and get a week or so off once Dale’s back to make up for my non-Easter break.

Well, back to it. The sites aren’t going to build themselves.

Deranged Depressing Dreams

Well I mean I’ve got nothing against her music…

(It has been said that there is nothing more boring than hearing about other people’s dreams. You have been warned πŸ™‚

You know it’s really stupid how much dreams can mess you up.

After getting home at 11:15 last night (a story I shall relate later in the week because right now I’m just far too tired) I had a dream where I was back at high school. I was back at high school, but I still had this blog (which is just plain silly because when I was in high school the web hadn’t even been invented).

Also back in high school – and in my year for some reason – was songstress Missy Higgins. Which is also just plain silly because she’s a good seven years younger than I am.

Anyway I was sitting in class mentally composing a rather superior blog entry on the subject of Missy Higgins – something along the lines of “I know Missy Higgins and you don’t, nya-nya-nyaaaa!” – when I woke up.

Now the point of this so far rather pointless story is that once I woke up properly and realised that I don’t actually know Missy Higgins I got all gloomy and depressed. Which is ridiculous because not knowing Missy Higgins has previously not been a problem for me. Nonetheless I remained gloomy and depressed all day, and remain slightly so even now.

So yeah, like I said it’s really stupid how much dreams can mess you up. Or at least mess me up πŸ˜€

Updates later in the week people!

Don’t Panic!

The punchline.

It’s OK! No need to panic! Wyrmworld is fine!

For those of you (the majority I suspect) who didn’t visit the site between midnight and midday today (Perth time), I decided to engage in a bit of juvenile April 1st trickery, and redirected the site to an extremely pink chihuahua accessory dog page (don’t you just love the sound effect?). I actually got all my domain problems sorted out a week ago, but decided to maintain the suspense as a lead up to my amazing joke. Not bad eh? πŸ™‚

The reason I switched things back at midday is that I was brought up according to a quaint and esoteric tradition brought over from the old country (ie: the UK) by my mother, which says that anyone who plays an April Fool joke after midday is in fact the Fool. According to what Wikipedia has to say on the subject this is accepted fact both in the UK and Australia, but I am yet to find anyone else who has even heard of it, let alone follows it. Well I follow it, I was brought up right dagnabit! And as for anyone out there hoaxing after midday – you’re a fool! πŸ˜€

Speaking of the old country, my mother’s heading back there on Tuesday for a few months, which will be nice for her. I’m taking her and Dad out to dinner tonight, since I won’t have a chance to see her before she goes otherwise. Then tomorrow I’m meant to be catching up with Ryan, Fabes and Matt, which should be good. Then it’s back to work for three days before the Easter long weekend – which would be good except for two factors. Firstly it’s going to be ridiculously hot (it’s meant to be Autumn for crying out loud!) and secondly I’ve agreed to go in and do some work at the office to make up for not going in tomorrow (since it’s not my scheduled Monday off). But I suppose the two will kind of cancel out because the office has air-con. Hmmm I’m tempted to spend the entire weekend there.

At least I might get some sleep that way I suppose. I didn’t get much last night because for the second Saturday running my new downstairs neighbours sat up all night, loudly talking in their yard – ie: directly below my bedroom. And when I say all night, I mean all night – they start up around 6:00pm and keep going through to 6:00am without any kind of break. So yes, it seems that the bogans who’ve tormented me for the last two years have been replaced with vampires. I may have to stock up on garlic and holy water, and plan a bombing campaign from my bedroom window.

Anyway, better go and try to get some cleaning done.

Chihuahuas Ahoy

The set up…

Well here we go then. If my measures to rip the domain away from Registerfly were successful, then everything will be fine tomorrow. If not – well I don’t know exactly what might happen, but Wyrmworld certainly won’t be accesible via should still work fine though – but it’s hardly a substitute is it?

<Jerry Seinfeld saying ‘Newman!’>Medina!</Jerry Seinfeld saying ‘Newman!’>

Cheering on the Lemur

Cynical computer generated lemurs are my kind of people

Well it seems my attempts to wrest the Wyrmworld domain away from the (alleged) forces of darkness (ie: Registerfly) may have been in vain. I’m trying some other things, but renewal falls due on the 31st and if it everything isn’t sorted out by then ownership of Wyrmworld will probably revert to Tinkerbelle the $6000 accessory chihuahua.

In the meantime the powers that be have launched yet another energy drink on the Australian market, one called (for some unknown reason) “Mother”. I have no intention of trying this stuff – Red Bull does me fine – but one of the computer generated characters from the advertising campaign has captured my attention. Mainly I suspect because he’s a crotchety, sleep deprived cynic, much like myself…

Cynical, sleep deprived lemur thing.

While that add is quite entertaining, the rest of the campaign is fairly annoying. First there was a rather badly thought out teaser campaign involving Channel 10’s execrable “comedy” series The Wedge (although the lemur thing did have some nice schick about the common idiotic assumption that “natural = good”). That was followed up by the current crop of adds involving the one linked above, some similar complaints from a sort of slimy frog thing, and poetry readings from a frankly terrifying monkey-like creature crushing berries and inviting the viewer to “come to [his] place, look in [his] face” – instructions that if followed would give you nightmares for a week.

So I won’t be trying or buying the product (they lost me as soon as The Wedge’s “Sandra Sultry” was involved). But I will be cheering on the Lemur whenever I see him.

On The Grammar of Cats

Ridiculous historical speculation

I was perusing one of those LOLCat threads the other day (you know the ones, like this) when it occured to me to wonder why so many cats apparently can’t spell or use decent grammar. Then I suddenly remembered that Mark Twain had something to say on the matter…

You may say a cat uses good grammar. Well, a cat does — but you let a cat get excited once; you let a cat get to pulling fur with another cat on a shed, nights, and you’ll hear grammar that will give you the lockjaw. Ignorant people think it’s the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain’t so; it’s the sickening grammar they use.
– Mark Twain “A Tramp Abroad”

So the question is, did Mark Twain invent Caturday? Did he!? πŸ™‚

The Acceptable Toilets of the Western Australian Club

Events of the week just past

It’s been a rather strange and exhausting week. This is to a large extent because I’m suffering from horrible insomnia at the moment and the fact that rather than going to bed at a sensible time in the off chance I might get some sleep in, I’ve been staying up late watching mindless TV. Well, not entirely mindless because the ABC’s bought back Spooks which is always worth watching – although probably not as good for you as a decent night’s sleep.

Of course it’s not just been TV and insomnia, I’ve actually been doing some things. On Monday for instance (my Monday off) I took Katie out to lunch for her birthday. We’d decided to kill two birds with the same stone and have said lunch at the cafe Travis works at, since neither of us had actually ever got around to visiting it. So we met up at the city train station at 12:30.

The plan was to make our leisurely way to the cafe, a plan that was fairly quickly stymied when we realised that neither of us had any idea where it was (Katie thought I knew, I though she knew). So we did the sensible thing and headed over to David Jones to look for my brother Andrew. Unfortunately he wasn’t working, so the only option was to phone up the parents – a task harder that it sounds because Murray Street was full of noisy buskers with very few quiet spots to make a phone call at. I got through eventually however and with the location thus secured, we decided to catch the CAT bus, which we figured would place us right on the doorstep.

This was a bit of a mistake frankly. It seems that the average city office worker uses the CAT service to get from office to eatery at lunch time, and as it was now just after 1:00, it was packed. And when I say packed I mean people having major problems getting to the doors at their stops, and the driver yelling loudly at prospective passengers to stop them getting on. We eventually made it to West Perth (the location of the cafe) however, and were thus able to get off and breath again.

Now I pride myself on knowing the city pretty well, but was both surprised and embarrassed to realise that I had no idea about West Perth. In my mind West Perth was a block bounded by Kings Park, Loftus Street, the railway line and Parliament, made up of solid offices. Offices inhabited by high price medical specialists and mining companies. Well as it turns out this is quite an accurate view – apart from Hay Street, which plunges through the middle and is absolutely lined with cafes, restaurants and small shops. There’s also a fairly large block of flats, meaning that in the middle of all the offices you’ve actually got a kind of mini-community. My amazement at this discovery was tempered however by the fact that although we were at the intersection described by the parents as the location of the cafe, there were at least six cafes in plain view, and we had no idea which was the right one.

I tried calling the parents again, but they were out. Or screening my calls πŸ™‚ So we did the logical thing and started a point to point search. Happily the third cafe we tried turned out to have Travis madly waving at us from behind the counter. Less happily it had dozens of office workers taking up every seat, and the cabinet full of rolls was looking sadly depleted.

We queued up for the counter, considering our options. There were a few rolls left that I would have eaten, but there was only one fairly dull looking vegetarian option – tomato and cheese if I recall correctly – which Katie really didn’t feel like. So we decided to buy drinks, have a quick chat with Travis, and then find somewhere else to eat. We bought cokes, got introduced to various staff members, then went on our way.

We ended up at a very nice, and surprisingly uncrowded cafe just down the street, next to the flats. We sat outside and had a leisurely lunch during which many matters were discussed. We then decided to head down to the railway, not being up to facing the CAT again.

On the way however we found ourselves at Harbour Town, and decided some window shopping was in order. For the uninitiated Harbour Town is a shopping complex full of discount stores – the place where companies dump goods that don’t quite come up to scratch. It’s a great place for a wander around – you can pick up some real bargains. We had a look at a games store, a few shoe stores, a lolly store, and a discount CD place, where I was quite chuffed to get best of David Bowie and best of the Cure CDs for only $10 each. We then retired to the Merchant Coffee House for refreshments – which Katie insisted on paying for since I paid for lunch.

We then decided to risk the CAT back into the city, as it was now about 3:00, and the ravening hordes of office workers should have dissipated. Happily this was the case, and the journey was fairly pleasant (or at least as pleasant as any bus trip can be). Back in town we hit up Target where I failed to find any black t-shirts (I need some new ones) and Katie went fairly crazy over the Stella McCartney stuff that had just been released that morning (a lot of people went fairly crazy apparently – the news was full of people queuing outside stores from 5:00am, racing inside like bloodthirsty lemmings once the doors were opened and fighting over the clothes – although we didn’t see anything like that ourselves). She ended up spending $50 on a shirt, which (as a guy, and a geek guy at that) I thought was fairly excessive – although it was a quite nice shirt.

Finally we did a quick bit of grocery shopping (because I really needed to πŸ™‚ and headed down to the bus station, where we parted ways. Not a bad day out all things considered πŸ™‚

On Tuesday it was back to work. And not just back to work, as we’d arranged a marketing talk/seminar as a “client nurturing” exercise that evening, and we all had to attend. This meant going straight from work, although the company quite nicely stumped up for dinner at the pub down the street first (I had some very nice calimari). I wasn’t looking forwards to the event very much at all, for a start it meant missing Time Team and The Pauley Perette Hour NCIS. But worse than that it was about marketing.

I’m a programmer. Programming is a form of engineering. Engineering deals with facts – you can’t argue with the rules, be they the laws of physics or the laws of syntax. Engineering is fundamentally honest, if you start telling lies you get things like the Tay Bridge Disaster. Marketing on the other hand is not about facts. It’s about distorting the facts to make someone think they want or need something they actually don’t.

Consider a car for instance. An Engineer’s description of it will describe the materials used, it’s mass and volume, the performance statistics, etc. A Marketer’s description will be a film of it speeding down the highway at several times the legal limit with a pop song in the background, a pretty (and possibly scantily clad) woman, and a deep-voiced voice over man muttering words like “style”, “class” and “performance”. And probably some people who jump into the air at the end for no apparent reason. So you can see why Engineers don’t like Marketers very much.

The talk was being held at the rather snooty and prestigious Western Australian Club on the terrace. Or it would have been snooty and prestigious if we hadn’t been banished to the basement. Mind you, it was quite a nice basement and had a bar. Not that I was interested in getting anything from the bar, it’s just that I feel a well fitted out basement should really have a bar, and possibly a pool table and wurlitzer*Jukebox that is, not an electric organ. Contrary to rumours I am not Arnold J Rimmer. (yes, my ideas of chic decor are stuck firmly in the 80’s). In any case there were a bunch of chairs set out, and a projector and screen for the inevitable Powerpoint presentation.

On arrival I excused myself to go freshen up in the bathroom (which was again quite a nice bathroom – if you’re ever on the Terrace and really need to go, try and bluff your way into the WA Club – you won’t regret it). I returned to find my colleagues in deep conversation with one of the clients who were wandering down the stairs. Well, I say conversation – it was more like interrogation. He was shooting off rapid and quite aggressive questions about what the event was all about – which seemed odd because the invitation had quite clearly explained the matter. Additionally the client in question was from Fremantle, so he’d apparently driven twenty kilometres through rush hour traffic to attend an event he knew nothing about.

Thankfully things got started before he could whip out bamboo strips for our fingernails.

Much to my surprise the talk was actually fairly good. It concentrated on ways to improve your relationship with your customers, as opposed to ways to fleece them, and no scantily clad women were involved (mind you by the second hour I probably wouldn’t have complained ;). My interest did flag a bit towards the end – but that was more to do with the insomnia and resultant lack of sleep than any flaw on the part of the speaker. I actually regretted not bringing along a pad and pen, as some of the stuff he was talking about gave me ideas (I did manage to remember most of them though and write them down the next day).

None of this could be said for our interrogative friend however. He snuck out about ten minutes in, and presumably drove the 20km back to Fremantle. I mean honestly!

Anyway I got a lift back to my place afterwards and avoided the tortures of insomnia for an hour by watching Numbers. It’s usually not bad (for a show featuring a servant of Vigo the Carpathian), but this episode suggested that the US Government has a mathematical algorithm that tells them with 100% certainty what shipping containers contain contraband. I’m sorry, I don’t believe that for a second. What containers are most likely to contain contraband, sure, I have no problem with that, but everyone was running around as if this algorithm was infallible. No real mathematician would ever give a 100% guarantee, only probabilities πŸ™‚

The rest of the week was spent in various states of insomnia induced irritation. I spent much of yesterday re-reading some of The Sandman, and then translated the train poem from The Kindly Ones into Zurv

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