Tribes of Londinium

Here comes the new religion, same as the old religion.

Yes yes, happy new year all, I’ve got better things to talk about than what I did on New Years Eve (bugger all really).

I’m using some of my time off work to get some more of my holiday snaps from the UK up on Flickr. One of said photos is of a pile of the Hungerford Bridge in London, festooned with the broken carcasses of skateboards.

I presumed at the time that there was some sadistic security guard who enjoyed confiscating boards off skaters who tried to ride them across the bridge, snapped them in half then threw them onto the pile. However on later reflection it became apparent to me that it was more likely that skaters from the nearby Queen Elizabeth Hall were deliberately depositing their broken boards on the pile as a sort of graveyard, and some quick Googling today suggested that this is in fact the case.

This is great. Why? Because it’s a complete throwback to the old, pagan traditions of neolithic and bronze age England!

Further upstream at Battersea there’s a stretch of river that’s yielded vast (well, vast for archeology 🙂 quantities of relics. Swords, shields, spearheads, that kind of things. The sheer concentration of them leaves no explanation apart from that they were deliberately thrown into the waters as some kind of sacrifice. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to suggest that the urge to commit treasured personal possessions to the river that motivates today’s skaters is fundamentally the same one that motivated the ancient Britons of Battersea.

Even more interestingly this site compares the Hungerford pile to a neolithic mortuary enclosure – a separated, sacred space in which the bodies of the deceased were left to break down to just bones (which were then collected and buried). The author points out that the bridge pier is “an unreachable island in the Thames” – small islands (neither being exactly land or water) meeting the requirements for all kinds of sacred spaces. Great stuff!

Seriously people, there is a thesis in this…

Roman Robots (that clean the floor)

Have you ever been told that you look like a Llama?

Well it’s that time of the year again when I desperately try to face down the reality of my own aging by voting in the Triple J Hottest 100. The process was actually fairly easy this year – in fact the only problem I faced was filling in two slots left over once I’d picked out my favourite songs. That’s never happened before, obviously music is getting more and more crap as time wears on (No! It’s not because I’m becoming old and irrelevant! Honestly! 🙂

So my top ten picks for this year (in alphabetical order of artist) are…

Two songs that almost (but not quite) got into the final two slots…

A few more notable tracks from the year…

And that’s your lot!


Me am play gods!

There’s a new Dresden Codak out! Strange and wonderful as usual.

Poking around in the archive (because reading one Dresden Codak is never enough) I came across the Caveman Science Fiction strip which remains one of the funniest things I’ve ever read. Go on, take a look.

My obsession with FreakAngels has finally broken my mind. How else can you explain this? I mean, I could be out there living an amazing life of action, adventure and fast women, but instead I sit in the dark customising a mediawiki installation and combing through webcomic panels for every last, insignificant, tiny detail. I’m clearly insane.

China 2.0

All hail the Great Leader!

China 2.0

The federal government has green-lighted its highly controversial censorship plan to introduce a mandatory internet filter that will block refused classification content* from being accessed on Australian soil.

* By which they mean anything on a secret government blacklist compiled without any oversight (judicial or otherwise) and with no right of appeal. Hooray for democracy!

I’m getting too old for this…

I didn’t even drink!

Had a great night up at Fabes’ place last night with Ryan and Paula, playing cards (Gloom, Che Geek, Munchkin and poker) eating pizza and bawling songs at the top of our lungs into the iPhone audio memo app. I didn’t get home until 3:00am.

It’s just gone 2:00pm and I’ve only just stumbled out of bed. I feel like death. I think my body is trying to tell me it prefers a warm mug of cocoa and a bedtime of about 9:00pm on Saturday nights.

*sigh* I’m getting old.

Alone Alone All All Alone…

There’s always an occasion to break out the Coleridge!

…alone on a wide wide sea!
And never a saint took pity on my soul in agony,

One of my co-workers has just had a baby, and is working from home.
Another of my co-workers is off for his grandmother’s funeral.
The third co-worker had a migraine headache.
The accounts guy only comes in on Mondays and Thursdays.
The new sales guy works on the road.
The boss is out at meetings all day.

There’s several truckloads of work to do and I’m the only one in the office. Oh joy.

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