
I have no truck with Gregorian calendar!

It’s the tenth of the tenth 2010. Oh wow.

I have to say I find this rather boring. I mean, we’ve had the 1st of the 1st 2001, the 2nd of the 2nd 2002, the 3rd of the 3rd 2003 and so one, and no one made a fuss about them (well, apart from 1/1/1 obviously, and some religious types got upset on 6/6/6). And we’re going to be getting the 11th of the 11th 2011 and the 12th of the 12th 2012 (assuming the Mayans haven’t come back and eaten us or something). I don’t regard any of these as being at all interesting, with the exception of 12/12/12 which is only interesting because it’s the last one.

So get back to me in 2 years, 2 month and 2 days. Then I might be interested.


Just a note to say that while the new incarnation of the Wyrmlog is now pretty much complete, there are still some maintenance tasks that need to be done…

  • Old posts containing special characters tend to have gotten broken in the transfer – I’m fixing these as I find them.
  • Some old posts don’t seem to have transferred at all. I’ll need to go and compare the databases to sort this one out.
  • I’m slowly moving entries out of the “Old and Uncategorised” category into more appropriate ones.
  • Lists are poking out the side of the page.
  • A few other styling issues.

I’ll keep plugging away at these. It’ll all be over by Christmas!


Caught up with Rebecca after work yesterday. We ended up at the new branch of burger joint Grill’d at Subiaco railway station.

Now, for a while the place for burgers in Subi has been Jus Burgers. Well I’m sorry to say it, but as far as I’m concerned Grill’d has blown them out of the water. I had the mustard and pickle burger on a panini bun and it was one of the best things I’ve ever put in my mouth. And who knew you could make chips with rosemary? (Shepherd Book was right!)

After Grill’d we went to Chocolateria San Churro for desert. I’ve never tried churros before – I can see why they’re so popular, although I wouldn’t want to eat them regularly (I’d probably keel over dead from the sugar rush).

Um yeah. Nothing else to say really.

Moundsbar Updates

There are limits to what you can do with Higgins.

Exciting news from the world of linguistics. Apparently speakers of Koro have finally been located in (of all places) India!

Koro of course is one of the Moundsbar languages, as extensively researched by Metalleus. To quote from his classic essay Moundsbar Connections.

Turning to Moundsbar, there are at least three languages related to it, Aro, Sorno and Koro. Aro is spoken by a few hundred souls in an enclave in the “Fan” district of Richmond, Virginia; Sorno has been extinct since the third century but was spoken on Guam and Saipan in the last years of the Roman Empire, though you would never know it from Roman history; no speakers of Koro have been located but a Koro language must be hypothesized to account for certain telegrams received through the years by the Moundsbarians which they were unable to read.

It now appears that these telegrams were sent from the East Kameng district of Arunchal Pradesh in India. Take that Higgins!

As the great Metalleus himself once said, in these seas of ignorance, science splashes on.

Shooting Fish

Is it the closing ceremony yet?

Ah yes, the Commonwealth Games are on. This means I’ve had to totally rearrange my TV viewing since Channel 10 has dumped its regular schedule in favour of broadcasting the competition around the clock (do something else instead of watching TV? Are you mad?:))

I really find it hard to get excited about the Commonwealth Games. They’re really nothing more than a second rate Olympics with all of the serious competition removed. In several areas (the swimming in particular) Australia simply has the best athletes in the Commonwealth, which makes picking up medals akin to shooting fish in a barrel. What’s our tally so far? Nine gold, ten silver, five bronze, for a total of twenty four – putting us at the top of the medal count and thirteen ahead of current second placers India.

This sounds impressive, but with the big boys missing it’s all really kind of pointless. It even approaches embarrassing, particularly when the media try to get everyone all revved up about it. “Gold for Australia! Gold for Australia!” has a kind of hollow ring when there are no Americans, Russians or Chinese in the competition. Without meaning to put down our fellow Commonwealth members, it’s like wining a foot race against a bunch of amputees – crowing about it just comes across as pathetic.

So yeah, the Commonwealth Games. Is it the closing ceremony yet?

Lady in Red, and the Red is the Breath of the Beast and the Beast wears Seven Crowns…

Elevator music on the way down to hell (thanks Ryan!)

Chris de Burgh. When you think of Chris de Burgh, you probably don’t think “nightmare music that would scare Trent Reznor” (or maybe you do, what do I know about your, or indeed Trent Reznor’s musical tastes?). In any case if you didn’t think that before, you probably will after hearing what V/VM has managed to do to Lady in Red.

V/VM – Lady in Red

Whatever array of filters and transformations V/VM have inflicted on the song changes it from a romantic ballad into something Satan would sing in the shower.

Take a listen. It will haunt your dreams.

Ow! My Brain!

Super-Pump of Doom

Woke up this morning feeling like half my brain was missing (is this how the average IQ people feel all the time!? How can they stand it!?). This may have something to so with pushing my bike for 7 km through Midland in the blazing (well, warm anyway) sun yesterday looking for a cycle shop after Ryan insisted on pumping up my tyres with his fancy super-pump of doom, causing the rear one to explode.

(To be fair it wasn’t his fault. The jokers at the bike shop put the tube in at a funny angle the last time I got it replaced, resulting in the valve pressing against the rim in such a way that when it was properly inflated, it ruptured.)

Needless to say, it being Sunday and Midland, not one of the cycle shops we walked to was open, and my plans for visiting various Midland sites for Abandoned in Perth were pretty much scuppered.

Oh well, another weekend then.

Collingwood won the Grand Final. Boo, I suppose.


Qui potare non potestis, ite procul ab his festis.

A German metal band (taking their name from the medieval dancing manias and featuring bagpipes) takes a medieval Latin drinking song and sets it to Bach’s Toccata and Fuge in D Minor.

Tanzwut – Toccata (the song begins at 1:50 if you’re impatient)

I can not think of a single thing about this that is not awesome.

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