The Torgo Test

Take the following test to see if you are Torgo!

How big are your knees?
A: Average
B: Large
C: Huge
D: So big I can hardly walk

How often do you repeat your sentences?
A: Never
B: Occasionally
C: Frequently
D: All the time… All the time…

What sized dogs do you like?
A: Small
B: Medium
C: Large
D: Frighteningly Huge

What would be your favoured form of accoutrement?
A: A nice pair of shoes
B: A battered, wide-brimed hat
C: Baggy trousers with plenty of knee room
D: A creepy staff with a skeletal hand on the top

Where is the Master?
A: Who?
B: Dead
C: Dead, but not as we know death
D: The Master is Away

How often do you often hear an annoying, jangling, repetitive musical phrase?
A: Never
B: Occasionly
C: Constantly, and it’s driving me nuts!
D: Constantly, for such is the will of the Master

Mostly As: You are not Torgo.
Mostly Bs: You are not Torgo. Yet.
Mostly Cs: You might be Torgo.
Mostly Ds: You should be looking after the place while the Master is Away! Not taking online tests!

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