REM have decided to break up, my dinner last night was tube pasta seasoned with the dust from the bottom of a parmesan cheese container, and I’ve been sent a bill for hundreds of dollars worth of electrical work that I’m fairly sure doesn’t exist (unless someone broke in and installed a smoke alarm where I can’t see it).
This is probably not going to be a good day…
Poor you. It’s just not your week is it? Well your present should be posted to you very soon (I hope). Maybe that will make you feel a little better.
I look forward to it. Maybe I can sell it for food…
Kidding! Kidding! 😀
Well I’m positive even if it was worth something, you won’t want to sell it. Now if I can be assured that Fabes won’t smash his pressie the next time Freo Dockers lose a game! 🙂